If I were to save one possession in a fire, it would have to be my dad's camera, an old, broken Nikon. I always keep it with me - his personal things mean a lot.

I have a lot of game apps I need to delete.

I get to collaborate and tell stories with moving photographs.

I think my job is hopefully to connect with people emotionally and to feel less alone or understand things in a certain way.

In high school, I didn't always relate to my friends. I was more of a spectator.

My only vice is 'Keeping up With The Kardashians.' I can't really explain what it is that fascinates me so much, but it just sucks me in.

My family get so mad at me when they come over. All I'll have in is milk and eggs. I mainly keep film in my fridge - it's better for it; it stops it from going old. I'm bad at eating healthy; I usually just run across the street and get cheeseburgers.

I was always a big James Franco fan.

I just love seeing other females work.

Women need to support women.

I have so much appreciation for movies because I understand how hard it is to make one.

Working with a great actor is really educational.

I never particularly liked it in New York City.

I want to learn and challenge myself and grow.

I knew I wanted to be creative but didn't know how.

As a first-time director, you act a lot like a teenager. I made decisions because I was hotheaded. My skin broke out. I was trying to understand who I am.

My name does help me get in the door, but it doesn't do the work for me.

I went to a private all-girls school where I didn't feel I fit in.

I'm so proud to be American.

My grandpa showed me how to build stamina onset behind the scenes on 'Twixt.'

Visually, I love the setting of suburbia.

It's tricky to take a book of short stories and turn it into a feature film.

It's hard for me to articulate myself.

I was really nervous working with actors, since I come from a photography background.