So many of the kids on television have really nice clothes, perfect skin and hair.

I really learned a lot when I worked on my grandpa's film 'Twixt' and got to be with him start to finish and sit next to him every day. That was my film school.

I think what's so great about making your first feature film is that you're so naive in some ways; you don't know what to expect, and you don't question things as much because you're just trying to figure it out as you go.

We definitely have to support other female directors because there's not enough of us.

I enjoy fashion photography and textiles, that whole aspect of it. As more of an art form, I like Proenza Schouler. Those guys are really cool because they seem to have an interesting approach to it all.

I don't like shopping, so I'll look online. I like going to the flea market at the Rose Bowl every once in a while. I like the same stores, Opening Ceremony and APC.

To a certain extent, I like fashion, but sometimes I just want to be comfortable and don't really care.

I studied photography at Bard, but I just felt tired of it. Someone asked me to be in a video but didn't want to be in it, so they told me to make my own, and that seemed more fun to me.

I'm Italian, so I need to get someone to wax my eyebrows, but I'm not so good at keeping it up.

I love Serge Lutens orange blossom perfume; my mom got it for me. It's my favorite. It just smells clean.

I don't really wear makeup. I don't like the feeling of it. I just put mascara on, and that's kind of it.

As a teenager, I wanted to be sophisticated and avant-garde, and I was really judgmental. But when you're a teenager, you're fearless because you don't know the repercussions to anything.

I liked to drive around, just playing music for everyone.

After college, I drove across the country twice with friends. It was one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. I find it really inspiring seeing the country that way.

I've always been very comfortable in a set environment. All the collaborating going on, seeing how actors work - it all excites me.

I guess I knew my dad was into photography, so a part of me was interested in picking it up to understand him a little better.

I think when you do things outside of what you're interested in, you meet people and get ideas to bring in to whatever it is you love doing the most.

I didn't go to film school. My Grampa always says just watch a lot of movies. He didn't go to film school; he went to theatre school. It's interesting to learn about the technical side of it, but I think it's more important to learn about writing and working with actors.

When I was a baby, my mom was always bringing me onto set.

Movies are a collaboration, I feel, so I didn't think of myself as an authoritative figure as much.

The hardest thing on 'Palo Alto' was letting go because I kept working on it, trying to make it better.

My mentor in college was Stephen Shore. I loved his color palettes and his taking mundane things but finding them fascinating.

When I was younger, I had pink underneath my hair, and I got detention. I went to an all-girls school where you wore a uniform, and pink hair was not OK.

There is always something I gain from watching a movie, whether it's a silly romantic comedy or an art film.