I think in life we get very caught up in the minutia and, unfortunately, it generally takes some sort of tragedy in your life to put things in perspective.

What I've always thought I would do is make a bunch of movies and then stop to teach for awhile. And then just teach at film schools - you know, teach children.

I think you should make movies as long as the story dictates.

I'm not interested in going after a part. I think if someone wants me for a part and approaches me then I'll take it on a case-by-case basis and see what that part is.

There's something very scary about exposing yourself on camera, knowing that you're going to be put on thousands of screens around the world for everyone to judge, but there's also something very thrilling and exciting about it.

Chile could work as a double for L.A.; it's very production-friendly and there's terrific talent down there.

If you are having fun on the set, you are not getting things done.

The best movies now are called 'thrillers.' Because if you use the word 'horror,' people's associations are straight-to-video crap.

I've realized that I can't multitask in the writing department; I can only kind of do one thing at a time.

Anytime you're the first to speak out against something, there's going to be a backlash.

I never put out a vanilla edition of a DVD.

Well, anytime I make a movie, I like to load it up with more things than you could ever catch on the first viewing.

You know, I'm from Boston, and in Boston, you are born with a baseball bat in your hand.

I generally follow my own compass and make films about what's scaring me.

I think that horror films have a very direct relationship to the time in which they're made. The films that really strike a film with the public are very often reflecting something that everyone, consciously or unconsciously feeling - atomic age, post 9-11, post Iraq war; it's hard to predict what people are going to be afraid of.

What is important to me is that people know I respect the business of making movies.

Creative writing and shooting are muscles that atrophy. But when you work them, you become a self-generator who can branch out.

I want people to see my name on a movie, pay money and know they're going to be entertained for 90 minutes.

Once I got over the fear of writing female characters, it actually came quite easily and I was really happy with it. I just thought about girls I knew really, really well and I'd just have conversations with them and tried to relay how they talk about certain things.

Las Vegas is a 24-hour city. It never stops.

I love movies. I mean, I really, really love movies.

I would love to do a musical!

Even post-WWII, nobody talked about the Holocaust. It wasn't until the '50s that people started talking about it.

I have control issues. For sure, no question.