The tonality of the flute almost has a mystic element to me.

The piano is such a timeless instrument.

There is an emotional aspect to live players that, no matter how good the samples are, you cannot replicate.

What I like about the piano is that it's a beautiful hybrid instrument in the sense that it can sound very warm but also very cold.

The computer is limited in expression. It can't do what the human player can do. What's dangerous is that you fall for writing for the computer and what sounds good on it instead of writing something that actually sounds good when a player performs it. It's dangerous when you go down that road.

My task is to tell a story with the music. I always like to have themes in terms of characters or plots, and things that can tell a story always interest me the most.

I always have a hard time describing myself.

When I grew up in the '80s, all of my favorite TV shows always had these great openings, and it always got me excited.

You could argue that 'Game of Thrones' has been around longer than 'Westworld,' but honestly, either one - I don't have a side or anything - I love them both equally.

I'm usually pretty good at remembering the melodies that I wrote.

I've worked with Jonah Nolan on several projects. I really love collaborating with him.

What I love about 'Game of Thrones' is that the positioning of the music is so well done, because it's not overdone. When the music cuts in, it really has something to say.

When I work on my music, I always kind of just try to do my best work.

What's amazing about 'Game of Thrones' is that it's set in a fantasy world; it's a fantasy story. So I always say that with the score, we're open to do whatever we want.

I love getting time to write a piece of music that can settle in and set the tone of the show.

What I love is that 'Game of Thrones' is always up for surprises.

I love performing on my own scores. I do it quite a lot.

The piano has a huge dynamic range that almost no other instruments have. It can play very low, and it can play very high.

The piano is not really in the language of the 'Game of Thrones' score.

With 'Game of Thrones,' the most dominant instrument would definitely be the cello. That's something I just felt really captured the mood of the show very well.

In 'Westworld,' I really got to explore new areas, stylistically. We had the Indian world, we had Shogun world, so I got to play with new instrumentation - and also, a lot of new themes.

What I love with 'Game of Thrones' is, every season, I get to continue to develop the existing themes; every season, I also get to write new themes.

A lot of people have said, 'Do a Westworld tour!' I definitely have ideas, because we could do a whole concert from just the first season. The player piano plays such a huge role in that one, so it's a must-have as a centerpiece.

I wanted to play in bands and get signed by a record label and tour the world and stuff, but that never really worked out.