Big, big movies are in 3D, but we haven't reached a point yet where that's just what a movie is.

I'm very interested in 3D.

I'm in a kind of weird position where I want to prove that I can do smaller movies.

I was going to go and do what I should do as a filmmaker and make slightly larger films each time, learn my craft, make mistakes and solve them.

'Jurassic Park' doesn't belong to America; it belongs to the whole world.

Michael Giacchino is a fiercely creative musical mind and a true 'Jurassic Park' fan.

I learned on film at NYU. I was probably the last generation that was analog. Anyone who was a year younger than me, it was probably all digital.

In a movie that's sort of a single monster movie, like 'Jaws,' once you see the animal, it identifies the threat, and you're able to start working on ways to take down the threat.

There's something really interesting about how human beings just want to see animals tear each other apart, maybe because we can't do it.

Three 'Jurassic Park' movies isn't enough! You want more!

My wife is French, and so I get to see America through her eyes, which informs a lot of little moments. It means I can poke fun at very particular things about us.

There's a glee in building a world that is constructed on corporate synergy and all the luxuries of our modern life, and then just tearing it apart. I enjoy that!

I feel like, whatever movie I was making, there would always be moments of human intimacy and insight into a little bit of what makes us tick as people.

I can say pretty confidently that I am not the right guy to do a superhero movie, just because I was not a comic book kid. I don't know that mythology, and I don't have it ingrained in me in the way that a lot of these other directors do.

I prefer to be scared in a way that a 12-year-old would want to be.

There's scary stuff in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.' There's some really nasty skeletons and dead bodies.

I don't know if I wanted to be Spielberg; I would never say that.

I love the kind of movies I watched when I was a kid. But, I also love telling great stories.

I think living things can recognize the movement of other living things, and all the best animators in the world can't quite capture that something.

There's no shame in being romantic at all. I think people want to feel that sense of romance, which is rarely even attempted anymore.

I like to believe that intimate moments between characters don't need to be relegated to independent films.

I'm gullible. I think people mean what they say.

Jake Johnson wanted to make clear that he was the great American actor, not just the funny guy on 'New Girl.'

I live in Vermont, and we don't have a tax incentive there, and therefore, we don't have professional crew there.