I've said before, if you're going to earnestly sing a song around a campfire, you'd better be a Muppet!

Marketing for a film is tricky because you release stuff without context.

I think intensity is one thing, and gore is another.

Woody Allen movies are like Beatles songs. I can't name my favorite without you immediately naming a better one.

I feel a lot of films that are shot digitally, even low-budget independent films, they look super slick now. Because the technology is so good that they look too good.

There's no such thing as good or bad dinosaurs. There are predators and prey. The T-Rex in 'Jurassic Park' took human lives and saved them. No one interpreted her as good or bad.

I like how you can go back and watch David Lean and John Ford and see the influence that had on Steven Spielberg, especially David Lean, in the camerawork, and yet, you don't watch any Spielberg movie and think of David Lean. Once you're looking for it, you see it all, but it's not in your face.

I don't believe that a female character needs to surrender her femininity in order to be an action hero.

We live in a cult of the upgrade right now. There's always something around the corner that will make whatever you think is cool right now feel obsolete.

We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park of dinosaur would be about.

I'd love to do a Western.

The only thing I find interesting is self-interest.

I hate the idea of growing accustomed to someone and being faithful.

I don't think I see the way bodies move in any special way. People say I do, but everybody moves. I don't see why all of a sudden I'm a specialist in the way bodies move.

I have no relationship to the French bourgeoisie. I don't like connecting with them.

My mother's father was from Brazil - a painter, and not a famous one - and was always broke. But he was a free spirit, a great grandfather.

Growing up outside your own country makes you feel that you don't belong when you return, so you feel free to make friends with whomever you like.

A career for me is something like building a bridge. You know, where to put the lifts. You have a plan. I have a blueprint for each film, but not for my life.

I've experienced love and ambition and desire in my life, but never in the same way as in a family.

I'm not a very brave person.

A father who sees his daughter leave in the arms of another man does not feel the same as a mother. It is heartrending for her, too. But it is not the same.

Filmmaking creates a sort of - trust, maybe. It has led me to a group of people I feel good with. We have something in common because of film, when otherwise we might have nothing.

I hate family pressures and family responsibilities. I'm more comfortable as a stranger. I always imagined I could just live in a hotel. I'm afraid of family.

It's not that I don't like words. There's sometimes no need for words.