You need to write about something that you really know about or you deeply connect with. Don't fake it.

I feel some people are cynical by nature. You show them anything, they only see the problems and negatives.

Taking nuances from real life will help you make scenes that have never been done before. It keeps the story interesting.

I have been in advertising and I know my craft well, but ultimately in cinema every scene has to matter, and that has to do with the writing.

I've often been asked why my shot-taking is not stylish, why I don't think about visual statements. The truth is, style is irrelevant. I never think of the shot as much as I think of the characters and what they are saying and doing.

A lot of my writing and my detailing of scenes are based on my observations of life in Nagpur.

100 years of Indian cinema has happened. Anything you do, feels like it has already been done. The struggle is to find a new and unique idea.

You never know the depth of an actor.

I try and get what I want using the strengths that the actors have.

Religion is man-made. Every religion says my 'God is the best.'

An editor does not just join shots. He creates emotions out of the shots.

Making a film confusing does not make it intelligent.

I don't think anything comes naturally; you just have to work very hard.

Very honestly, I don't feel 'Munnabhai' is a comedy film. I seriously feel it is a very emotional film.

I like playing with languages and dialects as we have so many in India. Adding a dialect just makes the dialogues more colorful.

Every film is a journey.

I'm absolutely open to scripts written by someone else.

I feel the primary job of cinema is to entertain.

I think I have taken more holidays with Boman than I have with my wife.

My natural bend is to get attracted towards things that have been an influence in my life.

In 'Sanju,' there are too many colours. Some other filmmaker could have taken a dark side to that story.

Dad had a huge influence on me. I really look up to him for his brave acts. He was an outspoken man. For him, if it was the right thing, he would stand up for the smallest guy around him.

Attenborough's 'Gandhi' shook me as a filmmaker.

I would say films inspire me more than the makers.