My parents said, Oh, he's going to be a director someday. I wanted to be an actor.

I was kind of excited about going to jail the first time and I learnt some great dialogue.

I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.

Trying to make a feature film yourself with no money is the best film school you can do.

When I'm doing a movie, I'm not doing anything else. It's all about the movie. I don't have a wife. I don't have a kid. Nothing can get in my way... I've made a choice, so far, to go on this road alone. Because this is my time. This is my time to make movies.

When I make a film, I am hoping to reinvent the genre a little bit. I just do it my way. I make my own little Quentin versions of them... I consider myself a student of cinema. It's almost like I am going for my professorship in cinema, and the day I die is the day I graduate. It is a lifelong study.

I steal from every movie ever made.

A writer should have this little voice inside of you saying, Tell the truth. Reveal a few secrets here.

To me, movies and music go hand in hand. When I'm writing a script, one of the first things I do is find the music I'm going to play for the opening sequence.

I just grew up watching a lot of movies. I'm attracted to this genre and that genre, this type of story, and that type of story. As I watch movies I make some version of it in my head that isn't quite what I'm seeing - taking the things I like and mixing them with stuff I've never seen before.

I want to top expectations. I want to blow you away.

The good ideas will survive.

I have an idea for a Godzilla movie that I've always wanted to do. The whole idea of Godzilla's role in Tokyo, where he's always battling these other monsters, saving humanity time and again - wouldn't Godzilla become God? It would be called 'Living Under the Rule of Godzilla.'

Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.

If you just love movies enough, you can make a good one.

'The Grand Budapest Hotel' is not really my thing, but I kind of loved it.

Violence is one of the most fun things to watch.

Movies are my religion and God is my patron. I'm lucky enough to be in the position where I don't make movies to pay for my pool. When I make a movie, I want it to be everything to me; like I would die for it.

When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'

I liked the idea of creating a new pop-culture, folkloric hero character that I created with 'Django' that I think's gonna last for a long time. And I think as the generations go on and everything, you know, my hope is it can be a rite of passage for black fathers and their sons. Like, when are they old enough to watch 'Django Unchained'?

I want to write novels, and I want to write and direct theater.

I'm definitely not on Twitter. I do have a Facebook page and Facebook friends. It's a lot of fun, especially if you don't just start friending people you don't know.

I do feel that I need to do at least one more Western - I think you need to make three Westerns to call yourself a Western director.

I actually want to do a theatrical adaptation of 'Hateful Eight' because I actually like the idea of other actors having a chance to play my characters and see what happens from that.