I have a long love of superhero films, and I'd been saying over and over again to my agents at CAA that I'd like to do one.

I'd spent summers growing up in Mississippi, so I had an idea of what the South is like.

There was a very difficult time when a female hero was a man in a woman's body. 'Hunger Games' really changed that: a woman leading a non-woman's film in the action genre. I think 'Wonder Woman' does that on a very big scale.

I know that I'm carrying a bit of a weight on my shoulders of what I do represents more than just myself as a director. I wish that wasn't true, but it is. It makes me think about doing work that I believe in and that I believe I can do well, probably even a hair more than I would otherwise.

There's Batman, there's Superman, there's Wonder Woman. She's the full-blown real deal.

I never want to set a belief that a woman has to direct a woman's film, meaning she can't direct a man's film. If only films can be directed by people who are exactly the same as that, it's only gonna limit all of the women more.

Just look at Gal Gadot when she smiles or when she meets somebody and shakes their hand. That is the embodiment of Wonder Woman. She is so beautiful and powerful, but kind and generous and thoughtful. She's just an amazing person.

As soon as I went to painting school in New York, I took an experimental film course, and everything clicked and came together. I realized my love of music and drama and the visual arts all came together.

De Niro didn't gain all that weight to play Jake La Motta just to prove he could get fat - every single one of those transformative things is grounded in the character.

Hollywood can't stand heroes who aren't sympathetic.

When I made 'Monster,' I didn't think about it being about a woman. I didn't think about that she was a lesbian. I was telling a story about a specific person who was tragic and looking for love in the world, and the more I could make her you, the more of a victory.

I love a great myth. I love a superhero origin story.

My father was a fighter pilot, so I moved around the world when I was young. Then I ended up in Kansas. I'd just sort of gravitated toward the arts, and I had always loved music and really loved theater even though I didn't want to act.

I have a real pet peeve for women who play damaged characters but don't look damaged.

It's not easy to be a hero. You do it because of what you believe, not because of what other people deserve.

I always enjoy shooting for all my films.

I didn't find Saturday night television difficult.

The majority of business people are sheeple.

When I worked for the BBC, what I was paid to do 'House Party' was all over the tabloid press, there was no privacy there.

I believe pulsed electromagnetism has a role to play in tackling cancer and I will always believe that.

I use my experience to comfort and support others for whom life has no hope.

Life without hope is no life.

Please be kind, don't be judgemental.

Mentally, I am quite good at self discipline.