I was brought up to be loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and to deliver. If you hired Noel Edmonds to do something then, by God, he worked hard at it.

Someone accused me of having 'gone off the rails' but I've never been on them hence the success and happiness I enjoy on a daily basis.

Everything is about energy. We're surrounded by electro mist, fog and smog. We're covering ourselves in the wrong sorts of electro-magnetism. These idiot politicians who talk about climate change, for goodness sake, do they really think little us can do anything about it? No, of course not.

It's amazing how a simple brief phone call can pick up the spirits of the most dejected hamster, the most stressed goldfish and the most neurotic cat.

Judging by the number of things I get asked to do I don't think the public are sick of me.

I don't have a TV licence. I don't watch except on catch-up.

When I tell people in England my show is going on at midnight, they look at you like you're crazy.

I was a diligent little boy at my primary school and then I went to public school and became mediocre at most things and pretty rubbish at others. I had a really tough time. I didn't enjoy it at all. But it made me the man I am today.

At ten I was bright.

I'm patron of Children's Hospice South West - I would love to go and play 'Deal' at the children's hospice.

I like my garden. It sounds boring, but it's not.

For me, broadcasting is a job and I've only ever seen it as a job. I turn up, do the job and go home.

I came from an era when I was so proud to be working for the British Broadcasting Corporation.

I'm very proud that on my passport it says: 'broadcaster,' and that's what I see myself as.

Too many people take the living experience too seriously.

I know I'm not smarter than a 10-year-old.

You have to have a big ego in this world to propel yourself in front of the cameras, to sit behind the microphone, to believe that you can entertain millions of people.

Of course I have an ego.

I was never arrogant.

If people think I am a failure because I am not on telly every day, that is their problem.

Our politicians want to keep us in a negative state because they can easily manipulate us.

I'm very sensitive to criticism, particularly when it's very, very personal.

I used to be very frightened of failure.

I quite often carry a little card with me and I write things on the card - things that I'm grateful for and things that I would like to positively happen around today.