When you rap, you're using all of yourself.

I love Disney movies.

It would be really cool to have some more roles where it doesn't matter how a character looks. You get a script, you see it, and it doesn't matter: there's no description of how the character looks in any way shape or form; it's just, whoever is right for the role is the person.

When you find out you're working with someone like Jennifer Aniston, you're like, 'Whoa, what is my life right now? ' It kind of doesn't really seem real. I grew up watching 'Friends' and all her movies, and I was so excited to work with her. And then, I met her, and I was like, 'Oh. You're, like, a very relatable human being.'

There aren't often plus size, very real normal women in film. It's never their story.

I think we all go through those moments of self-doubt.

I had to work at it - audition and fail, get things and lose others. If you really want something, you keep going.

I think avocado toast is the best ever. It's my favorite.

I'm not musical in any way.

Honestly, a lot of the time the character roles are the best roles.

I'm very competitive. I'm very honest, too, so I wouldn't cut anyone down to get ahead. I play fair, but I like to win.

I have a dartboard in my place, and I play with my friends.

My sister, myself, and my cousins would put on shows for our parents and charge them to come and watch, apparently. That's what I'm told. My parents said I knew how to milk it.

I had agents in Australia; I just never had any auditions. And if you can't audition, then you can't work. I studied there. I did classes there. I learned how to act. Growing up there, I discovered my love for acting, but I just wasn't getting the opportunities to work professionally.

Emma Watson was a super-starstruck moment.

The cool thing about being different in this industry is that you get different roles; you aren't pigeonholed the same way.

Don't stress out about the things you can't control.

I always like auditioning because it's like, 'Oh, my God, I have an audition - yay!' It means opportunity for work, which is great. But it's scary as well, because you put so much pressure on yourself.

The most surprising thing - and the thing I really didn't think I would have an opportunity to do when I was younger - was I didn't realize the kind of roles I would be able to play. I thought it would be, like, two lines here, the joke.

I'm pretty stubborn.

One of the cool things about 'Patti Cake$' is that it is about someone that is against stereotype.

How many people get to say they recorded a song with Dolly Parton and Jennifer Aniston?

The big message is, you're the star in your own life. You don't have to change; you are who you are. Go and do what you want to do.

You can drive your own self crazy. You don't have to be in a bad situation or be bullied every day to feel this way. I was constantly judging myself. That's really the thing that gets you.