I like Macklemore.

I would love to live in a world that is purely equal, where everyone has equal opportunities in every way. But that is not reality.

People are always going to tell you to lose weight, and they tell you how they feel about it. There are pressures always to be a certain weight, but you have to be who you are. And if you want to change, you have got to do it for you and not for what people want you to be.

People in big studios are like, 'People want to see other people who are skinny and happy and amazing.' But I think, nowadays, they are realising that what sells is real people from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures and size. People want to see themselves represented on screen, and it's a real cool thing for everyone.

I think, in Australia, it's kind of a crazy thing to say, 'I want to be an actor.' People look at you weirdly. And when I said I was moving to L.A., I remember people saying, 'No, you shouldn't. You'll just come back disappointed.'

I came out to America just before I turned 19, got my first audition, and booked it.

I've never actually played an Australian or worked in Australia. I really want to change that. I really want to work here - that would be great.

I wanted to act; wherever that was, I was happy. It just happened to be in America for me.

It's kind of amazing to see that progress happens over time.

There's a process: you audition, you get rejected, occasionally you get jobs, and it's exciting, but it's all little stepping stones.

I actually got a visa through a job that fell through, and it allowed me to move out here and start from scratch. There's more opportunity in America for girls like me, I guess.

When I was in Australia, I had three different agents in three different years, and I didn't have one audition. They were good agents; I just never had one audition that was the right stuff.

I love acting, and I'm going to continue doing that.

When I first watched '8 Mile,' it was amazing. It got me. I loved it.

I had a talk with Frances McDormand, actually, right before I did my first lead in a film, and that was really amazing.

I just got to do a challenging scene with Jennifer Aniston! That's unreal to me.

I remember loving 'Hairspray.' I was obsessed with it, and I didn't realise why. I felt so connected to it at the time because there wasn't any other kind of representation. So when it happens, you think, 'wow, I really connect with this movie. Why is that? Maybe it's because there's a girl like me up there on the screen.'

Everyone goes through that time in their life when they're trying to figure out who they are, find their own purpose and their own way.

When Sundance happened, it felt insane and not like reality at all.

If you make one person happy, there you go - you did your job.

I love tinted moisturiser. I feel like I'm wearing nothing when I'm wearing it, which is how I like to feel, but it still provides me with coverage - and it's got sunscreen in it, so I'm not worried about getting burnt.

I will never stop being excited about 'Harry Potter.'

'Harry Potter' is the first book that ever got me into reading. I had to read it in year 7, for school, and then I kept reading all of them.

You just have to find the people that you love, and surround yourself with them.