Oliver Stone's strategy is to unnerve the actors so as to make them alert and alive.

I have to expose myself and then accept the judgment that audiences and critics will have. And that's okay. I appreciate the elliptical nature of it. Sometimes people are more in the mood to be nice to me than others, and that's great.

College was just so essential for my sense of self and my development.

I fantasized about being a psychology major when I first started school, and I took a handful of Psych 101 classes.

I would rather not work than be a neurotic mess.

Narciso Rodriguez was my first fashion big brother. He made my wedding dress, which was wonderful.

I particularly love Israel. I've had fantastic experiences there.

If I took my characters home with me, half of my life would be a misery, I think. No, I tend to compartmentalize work from my life. I'm not terribly method.

The big question is always, 'Eyes or lips?' I tend to go with the eyes because I've got a lot more material to work with now - and it saves me from reapplying lipstick! I'm a pretty low-maintenance person and it's too excessive to exaggerate both the eyes and lips.

I discovered Orson Welles in college; my freshman English professor screened 'Citizen Kane' for us, and I wound up writing a 20-page term paper on it.

In New York City, everybody goes into therapy.

I was very driven to act from a very young age, and my parents were not only tolerant of that drive but also encouraging.

Actors want to surprise themselves. When it's really good, you kind of transcend yourself, and that happens infrequently. Very, very rarely.

If you do something that you're not genuinely passionate about, it is a little soul-crushing. Just not worth it.

There was a solid year and a half, perhaps two years, after making 'Temple Grandin,' when I didn't do anything. I just didn't have much patience for roles that were silly, or light, or inconsequential.

I'm exceptionally open with my own parents, and they're exceptionally open with me.

I got an agent when I was 12, and I started working in more amateur productions well before that. But even as a kid, I never felt like a kid actor, you know? I always took myself kind of absurdly seriously.

People in the CIA, they marry each other. They're like actors! We have to travel without much warning to far-flung places, and it's very hard to communicate what our experiences are like to those in the outside world.

Counterterrorism isn't really about the nunchakus, the guns and gadgets. It's about psychology.

People with bipolar disorder have difficulty with boundaries.

I actually haven't been approached a whole lot for television, believe it or not.

It's funny with jeans now, because if they don't feel like a pair of sweatpants, I don't have patience for them anymore! I think I'm becoming increasingly lazy.

When I was a kid, I was one of those really obnoxious 'oooh oooh' girls, with my hand up in the air constantly. I've learned over the years that that's not so attractive, so I've censored that.

I am not a genius. But I am nerdy.