I think I would make a lousy stay-at-home mom. It just wouldn't suit me.

You have to stay hydrated when you have crying scenes.

You have to pick your battles on set.

Every three seconds in the developing world, a child dies needlessly due to lack of basic health care and other things we all take for granted.

I can get a dance party started pretty much anywhere and anytime.

I should be so lucky to be a misfit. I aspire to be a misfit.

I think people who make movies and have invested a lot of money in them get frightened that if they challenge an audience they are going to repel them. And I think the opposite; it's really true.

It just seems like the most successful, iconic love stories are not so easy or escapist. I think the ones that stay with us and resonate are full of conflict, discord and misunderstandings 'cause that's what makes drama happen or tension even if it's a comedy.

Voice over can be tricky. It can be dangerous because it's over-used or inappropriately used.

I think 'Breaking Bad' is incredible.

Any story is better with a little love in it, right?

I used to have nightmares when I was a little kid that I woke up prematurely and opened all the Christmas presents. And then I would be so relieved when I woke up and I realized that I hadn't done it.

When you really get it right in acting, it's an act of empathy. You feel less distant from others, and that is really exciting.

Steve Martin is one of my favorite performers, writers, artists of all time.

On a film you can really get away with learning the scene the night before and that's often just not possible with TV, so you have to be a little bit more prepared a little bit more in advance.

Psychology and acting are very closely linked. It's just about studying people and how they work. It can be an incredible discipline and exercise.

Growing up in New York with artist parents - a very liberal environment, where we were always encouraged to challenge the status quo - I think for a long time I confused jingoism with patriotism. And that is a mistake.

The first time I realised I was patriotic was after September 11th.

I think it's important to never play 'crazy' - you have to know what kind of crazy you're playing.

I became very successful at a young age... I had lots of opportunities and lots of power and had no idea how to focus it.

I get a little jealous of these actor boys. They walk into a club, and in two seconds flat there are swarms of girls who are wanting so badly to touch them or just say hello. That's not the case with me, or any other girl I know.

I hadn't been free from adult responsibilities since I was 12, and I needed to experience that. I really needed to just be a kid again.

I have this home in New York, I have a long-term relationship with my boyfriend, who's from Australia, and I had this business that I had maintain. Even though I wasn't actively shooting, there's a lot of peripheral work.

I know, it's true. I've played these tortured teenagers. I can't wait to shed that image.