What was Bruce Lee like? How did you meet? What was it like to choreograph the fight scene in Rome with him? Did you spend much time together off-screen? Those are a small sampling of the inquiries I'm asked often, wherever I go around the world.

There's no reason we can't all live harmoniously together, and that's what I would say to the head of Iran.

Whether we are famous or not, we all need God. We also need other people.

Unfortunately, in the entertainment field, sometimes you start believing your celebrity. You have a strong tendency to drift from the Lord, which I did. I did drift for a number of years.

I think Christians and Muslims should hug each other.

I wasn't offered a role in 'Expendables 1,' and I'm a guest star in 'Expendables 2.'

I was just a start-and-stop guy. I could never really follow through on anything that I started.

I think I can achieve more outside the political arena.

Truthfully, I'm proud of each of my films in a certain way.

I'm a people's actor, not a critics' actor, and I always have been.

I gave my life to the Lord at 12. I was baptized at 12.

Some of the most miserable people I know are some of the richest people in America, they are the most miserable individuals I've ever seen.

It wasn't until I went to Korea out of high school and got exposed to the martial arts for the first time and was just completely enamored with the physical ability of the martial arts and making my black belt.

As six-time world karate champion and then a movie star, I put too much trust in who I was, what I could do, and what I acquired. I forgot how much I needed others and especially God.

It's important to remember that because these athletes exercise so beyond what even a normal active person would, they generally must also supplement their diet.

For our veterans to have to wait long periods of time to receive care is not only unacceptable to us, but to elected officials as well.

I really believed that Mike Huckabee had a vision for our country, and the more I was around him the more I was impressed by this man.

With ISIS encroaching on the U.S., and its tentacles in all 50 states, according to the FBI, and MS-13 recruiting young migrants coming into our country from Central America, now is the time to secure our borders and save the future of America. I believe only Trump has a plan and passion to do it.

Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, John Wayne - these men had the code of the West.

As I travel the world, it seems that younger people identify me merely with some of the folklore in the 'Chuck Norris Facts' - those hyperbolic sayings that elevate my abilities beyond my capabilities. Others view me in light of the character I played in 'Walker, Texas Ranger' or in one of my 20 tough-guy films.

Our forefathers increased and decreased the influx of peoples because America was building a melting pot and because certain ethnicities often brought with them certain securities and degrees of productivity.

Armed Forces Day on May 21, and the Memorial Day weekend that follows, is a time to honor, remember and recognize those who serve and have served our country, as well as those who have died in service. As we reflect, let's not forget the many sacrifices made at home as well in support of our men and women in uniform.

In 2007, I was given the humbling privilege of being made an honorary member of the United States Marine Corps in recognition of my visits to troops during the Iraq War.

What Olympians eat can vary tremendously depending not only on the events they're competing in, but also their body type and lifestyle outside the Olympic arena. Their diets are affected not only by the demands of their sports, but by everything else in their lives, things that are almost impossible to accurately measure and factor in.