Martial arts was really the first thing in my life that I followed through on and accomplished a degree of proficiency for.

Getting into a sleep routine before the first week of school will aid in easing the shock of waking up early.

I served four years in the Air Force in South Korea, and my brother, Aaron, served in the Army there, too, on the DMZ.

Commonly, athletes will bolster their dietary intake with everyday vitamins such as magnesium and iron as well as more exotic products such as whey protein, creatine, carnitine and branched-chain amino acids specifically aimed at improving performance and recovery time.

God bless and help all the victims and patriots of 9/11, from the families of Flight 93 passengers to those who were in the Pentagon and Twin Towers as well as others who have fought and presently fight the war on terror.

The key to the future in an aging society is not found in increasing just our life span; we need to increase our health span at the same time.

I like Ben Stein. I think he's funny, creative, and an insightful commentator on a host of issues.

I don't initiate violence, I retaliate.

I'm a very religious person.

If the government decides to become a tyrannical government, our guns are to protect us against that.

When I got into the film business, my aim was to adopt a positive persona, of a guy who fights against injustice. And it saved me, because my acting was atrocious to say the least!

The final line in the Second Amendment says, 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' That means not by the president, not by Congress.

People need to realise what real happiness and success is, because success as an actor is fleeting. You can be up there one day and gone the next.

I watched Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech before Congress, and I saw a man who loves his country with all his heart and soul. I also saw a strong leader, which is absolutely crucial for the safety of the Israeli people.

It's official: The biggest back-to-school bullies are anxiety, worry and fear.

If the citizens of the United States are to turn away from the Communist Manifesto and preserve the purpose of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and our Bill of Rights, we must first thoroughly reexamine and learn about each of them, and uphold America's founding documents by testing every political action in light of them.

You can always tell a person's real character and personhood by those who closely surround him, especially if they're family.

The fact that doctors tend to treat people as individuals, guided by the need to ensure patient confidentiality, can reinforce this pattern of seeing the changes and challenges aging brings on through our heads and our bodies, rather than as a shared experience.

It's amazing because people come up to me and say, 'Chuck, you're the luckiest guy in the world to be a world karate champion and a movie and TV star.' When they say this to me, I kind of smile because luck had nothing to do with it; God had everything to do with it.

Moral Injury is differentiated from PTSD in that it directly relates to guilt and shame veterans experience as a result of committing actions that go against their moral codes. Therapists who study and treat moral injury have found that no amount of medication can relieve the pain of trying to live with these moral burdens.

Getting kids into the kitchen preparing the food they and their families will eat results in them viewing food in an entirely new way. If given the right ingredients, that act alone can raise the standards of the quality of the food both they and their family eat.

It's the bullies who are afraid, are the ones that do all the fighting. It's not the secure kids that get out there and fight. It's the insecure kids.

Good morals lead to good laws.

Federal policy tells us to fill 50 percent of our plates with fruits and vegetables. At the same time, federal farm subsidies focus on financing the production of corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, sorghum, dairy and livestock.