I like people to have a bit of a laugh. Life is too short to not enjoy what you're doing.

The 'Law & Order' audition was so last-minute. I was already in a shabby suit, the journey was a complete disaster, my train stopped early, it was raining, and I had to show the cabbie the way... I rushed in apologising, gave this terrible reading, and ended up telling my whole journey to them. I must have bored them to tears.

Normally, if I've got an audition, I'm punctual, I've learnt my lines, and I'll go looking smart.

Michael Kitchen is my favourite actor. We were at the same table at an awards once, and I was so thrilled, I had to go and sit next to him... he's mesmeric.

I remember watching William Hartnell as the first 'Doctor.' Black and white made it very scary for a youngster like myself. I was petrified, but even though I'd watch most of it from behind the sofa through my fingers, I became a fan.

Every person I see has a story to tell.

I've - to be honest with you, I've never had an acting lesson. But I've been at drama school for 50 years.

Every day I learn something new, and, you know, you go through life's experiences, and if you can bring every experience at some point somewhere in every drama or every story that you have to portray, you will come across an emotion or a feeling you have had some point in your life.

It's a young man's game - standup comedy.

I grew up listening to legends such as Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Bennett.

It's just about being an entertainer; it's about having all those tools over the years to do all sorts: films, musicals, playing a bit of piano, running a quiz show - it just becomes part of the job.

I said, 'If I don't play football for a living, I'm going to get into show business.'

All I ever wanted to do was play football. I was never one for revising, and I only left school with three O Levels.

I can't listen to rap music; it's not my thing. They say that they're the modern poets: of course they are, but it's not for me.

I like something you can hum along to.

I am probably the oldest new artist Sony has ever signed.

I am very flattered that so many people loved 'Chasing Dreams.'

I thought Oasis were great.

On 'The Chase,' I don't know what questions are going to appear, so they deliberately try and catch me out.

There's no point doing a job where you're uncomfortable or doing something you dislike.

Doing 'SunTrap' after 'The Chase' is dipping into something different. That's the whole basis of what I wanted to do with my career. I didn't want to do the same thing all the time.

Everyone's path is different. It's not always about money - sometimes it's about the journey.

That's what I think a journalist from the '70s and '80s should look like - as though he has led a full journalistic life.

I had spent so many years on 'Law & Order: UK' being a downtrodden detective standing on Hammersmith Bridge at six o'clock in the morning, being rained and snowed on, and I thought, 'I'll have a bit of a change of direction in my career and go and do 'SunTrap' in Gran Canaria.'