When the Pixar people call, you jump at the opportunity.

I would hope to have some of the same audience that Oprah has earned. And I would love to earn that, as well.

I worked at a nursing home though high school... There's a lost appreciation for a generation that has so much to tell us when we're so full of self-help books and doctors on TV.

I have a great affinity for senior citizens.

It's not that I don't take TV seriously. I take it very seriously. But I've got my priorities straight. Call it my extra gift. Without it, I would be devastated every day in Hollywood.

You gain a certain maturity from being a nurse in a cancer ward.

I keep saying I won't go back to television, but I do.

I was so angry at God for taking my father from me that I marched up to my mother before the funeral and told her I was going to quit nursing school. I just wanted to stop living.

I only have one job, and that's being a storyteller.

I am on the phone with my sisters every day.

Everyone hopes to get a fall slot, but I'm just happy to get on the air.

I don't think of myself as a comedian.

I'm trying to be truthful.

If you're authentic, people smile because they sense there's a piece of themselves there.

I thought of Second City as just the greatest therapeutic job anybody could ever dream of having.

When a fan holds out Helen's picture for me to autograph, I usually sign it Linda Hunt - just to make their heads really crazy.

My mother gets told, 'Oh, you're so lucky that your daughters are doing so well.' She never corrects anybody when they assume Helen is her daughter.

Everywhere I go, people think I'm Helen Hunt.

I love writing.

I am a storyteller, and I take great pride in the storytelling and a great joy.

Carl Reiner is perfection.

I like regular meals and restaurants that will adapt things to your taste. Not a place where they roll their eyes if you want the sauce on the side.

Restaurants in Chicago are seldom disappointing.

Chicago has definitely played a part in my character development. I love the essence of the city, the personalities of the people, the hard-working spirit that you need to get through the winters. And every neighborhood has its great restaurants and the local hot-dog stand.