I write music because I love it. Sometimes more than anything in the world.

My dad was always taking photos of us at home, and even on set - he'd bring us along and stick us in the photos in the background. It was almost the beginning of acting for me, like, 'Hey, you go over there and play basketball in the background, and don't even think about the camera.'

I don't believe in spending money lavishly, now that I'm making money.

Picture-taking is an ensemble art - like theater.

From an early age, I understood the concept that, if you're not the star, then your job is to not pull attention away from the star.

A lot of high school students on TV and in Broadway are played by people in their late 20s and even early 30s. That seems weird to me.

As an actor, you want a director who makes you feel comfortable in a place that you can really create and try a lot of different things.

Acting is not about being famous, it's about exploring the human soul.

I started acting when I was seven, so I've read my share.

As an actor, these kinds of big-comedic-centerpiece characters is just one thing that I love to do.

I don't know what I would have done without acting. I officially fell into it around age 6 in a class play that reimagined 'The Ugly Duckling.' My joy in performing was so boundless, you would have thought I'd just won a Tony.

The worst thing you can have as an actor is too big an ego. It just kills creativity.

Acting was the place where I could be free and feel confident.

At the end of the day, if you're an actor, you want to act. And it's not something you can do in the living room alone. If you're a painter, you can paint at home. If you write music, you can write on your own.

As an actor, there's no faking it.

I'm not the kind of guy who gets defensive after something goes wrong.

Sometimes, there is a long gap between the time the script was written and when it went on the floors. Being on the sets can be refreshing, as you can revive the script in some ways.

I like it when actors offer something new with their performances, and elevate the scene. I don't restrict an actor.

I believe in giving actors the freedom to express themselves, and adding more to whatever is written.

People should mind their own business. This particularly applies to those who are inquisitive, and those who jump to conclusions.

I know there are insecurities in being an actor. There are certain compromises you need to make, but they are all worth it.

For me, acting is something I am passionate about. I am someone who wants to be known for who I am. If I wanted to just make money, I would've chosen some other profession.

There are only advantages of being Salim Khan's son, Salman Khan's brother and coming from a known family.

I have a lot of friends, and it's not necessary that if I go out for lunch or dinner with someone, they have to be my girlfriend; or that I'm committed to them.