You are your main news platform, so no publication has as much power as you do about posting about yourself.

Technology moves so fast and social media moves so fast because everyone wants the new thing, but also, everyone wants to be where their parents are not. Once the mom got a Facebook and a Twitter and an Instagram, I don't want to be there anymore.

Parents can't monitor what you are doing on Snapchat.

I like romantic dates - going on a long walk in Central Park and then taking the subway downtown and going out to eat and ordering oysters. After that, you walk around again and talk.

If I messed up at the Oscars, I wouldn't be invited back.

I always wanted to be part of a movie that creates a different world.

Human beings are a wonderful virus in some ways.

Even on Facebook, like, I wouldn't share everything with my friends, because that's obnoxious.

I absolutely should be on social media, and I think every person who's an influencer should be, and should be doing good things.

I think everyone should have social media - all young people, at least.

I'm looking forward to, as an actor, having to do some stuff that's out of my comfort zone. It makes for interesting work and when you're uncomfortable doing something; then it's going to be interesting when they film it.

I want to encourage people. One of the things I do encourage people is that - that Internet is a place where we should share our ideas and be positive, not negative.

I think that most people who are just artists, who are getting famous, would trade a lot of their fame back for some normalcy, pretty much immediately.

My dad grew up in Washington Heights. I grew up in New York in Manhattan. So we're purebred New Yorkers.

My dad's a photographer. So I suppose he named me Ansel just in case I would take over the family business. I guess I failed him.

Just in terms of the opportunity I've gotten is amazing. I consider myself super, super, super lucky.

I want to do movies, television and theater. Whatever comes along.

I love Marlon Brando and James Dean. That was when it was all about the star and the script. Nowadays, everything has to be action-packed.

All I want to do is work.

I hated the ballet, but I liked performing. I did 20 shows, and I couldn't get the smile off my face.

I'm starting to get a following on Twitter. That's a really awesome power to have. It gives me the opportunity to make any kind of art I want.

I think it's important I stay connected to every part of my personality. I play basketball. I rock climb. I paint. I'm a little bit scattered, but it's so I can convincingly play all these characters.

Most actors nowadays are models turned actors. That's why a lot of young actors are terrible. You have to learn how to act. It is not something that you can just do.

I have a lot of weird interests, but everything I do is artistic.