Each character I play has different dimensions. I'm not interested in words that pull them together.

All I want to see from an actor is the intensity and accuracy of their listening.

Acting touches nerves you have absolutely no control over.

And it's a human need to be told stories. The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible.

'The Fault in Our Stars' is a beautiful film that's really positive. The second half gets sad, but it's always positive.

I just think a lot of people don't give credit to EDM producers or DJs. People think they're just button pushers and just get on stage and don't really perform.

This is sort of not expected, but I would love to produce a record for Missy Elliott. It would be totally different, but she makes party music. 'Lose Control' was my favorite song when I was in 5th or 6th grade.

I don't want to just sell out shows to young girls who like my movie franchise. I want to sell tickets because people respect me.

I don't want to just fall back on the fact that I was on the cover of 'GQ' for being an actor.

I'm a physical guy. I play basketball, and I rock climb.

I think my parents raised me well. And I'm pretty straight edge. All my friends make fun of me for being straight edge.

My dad said to always do what I loved and not worry about the money or anything, because if I do what I love, then the money will come.

There are so many things to be lucky for. Lucky to be healthy, lucky to be, like, beautiful. Lucky to be living in America.

I cry whenever I watch an emotional scene that I did, just because it brings me back to that moment. It's like, I remember being there; I remember feeling what I felt. It's really weird, right?

I'd like to be Gandalf for a day - he's so wise, he's so powerful, and he's so caring. I love Gandalf. When they remake 'Lord of The Rings,' maybe I'll play it.

'East of Eden' is an important story for me. It's about a kid that's misunderstood and feels like he's not loved by his father. It's a very father-son kind of story, and it's not until the end that they sort of make up. I like that because every boy has trouble with his father, so it's very relatable.

Any real person has a front and a real part to themselves.

I think that when you first read material or you first read a script or story and know you might be playing a part, it's important not to see yourself because it should be a challenge enough that it doesn't come easy.

I had a birthday party with my family and friends at a house, and Chipotle catered. It was beautiful.

Someone once told me we have in our minds who we want, and often those aren't the people we actually want. Like, once there was a girl I thought was perfect for me - I had every box checked with her. But I just didn't feel anything.

I don't want anyone part of my love life besides me and the person I'm loving.

I wanted to be a lot of things in my life.

When girls scream my name and start crying, I blush like crazy.

I can be overly confident at times, but with someone who I'm very close to, like with my mother, I will break down. In real life, people will find out that I'm not actually that confident and that I'm a real guy underneath it all.