Actors are actually very supportive of each other.

Mellow doesn't describe me. I'm hungry every day.

Originally, theater was my life. It was what I assumed I'd spend my working life doing - if I was lucky. Then along came movies.

Any actor who judges his character is a fool - for every role you play you've got to absorb that character's motives and justifications.

I always feel that when I come to Edinburgh, in many ways I am coming home.

I was a student in London in the '70s, so CBGB really wasn't on my radar at all. Obviously, I was aware of the emergence of the Police in England and as an art student, I was very aware of David Byrne, but I suppose my musical taste at that time certainly didn't stretch towards the Dead Boys or the Ramones.

I love perfumes. Every morning when my girlfriend and I come down to the courtyard in our block of flats we're assailed by the most delicious scent - jasmine round a doorway. It almost makes me swoon.

Being on the stage in New York is always exciting because you feel like you're part of the life of the city.

A lot of the time I hate the theater. You think, 'I have to climb Mount Everest, again, tonight.' Oh, the theater is a scary place to be.

Los Angeles is not a town full of airheads. There's a great deal of wonderful energy there. They say 'yes' to things; not like the endless 'nos' and 'hrrumphs' you get in England!

I have every sympathy for writers. It's a mystery to me what they do. I can edit. I can cross out and say, 'I'm not saying that' or, 'How about we move this to here? Wouldn't that make that bit of the story better?' But where any of it comes from is beyond me. I will never write a play or a novel.

Unless we tell stories about ourselves, which is all that theater is, we're in deep trouble.

Every so often you read a play and a character just speaks to you - almost seems to speak through you, in fact.

The first time that I came to New York to work properly was the mid-'80s, but I was doing eight shows a week. You have no life. Going to a punk rock club - or whatever the music was at that time - would not have been on my agenda.

I think there should be laughs in everything. Sometimes, it's a slammed door, a pie in the face or just a recognition of our frailties.

I suppose with any good writing and interesting characters, you can have that awfully overused word: a journey.

I'm a lot less serious than people think.

I can only see my limitations. That's just who I am.

Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world.

In theater, you've got to be aware of your whole body because it involves stamina. It involves two-and-a-half hours and a sustained release of energy, maybe for six months.

Parts win prizes, not actors.

I knew with Snape I was working as a double agent, as it turns out, and a very good one at that.

You try to find things that are challenging and interesting and hopefully it will be the same to the audience.

The point about a great story is that it's got a beginning, a middle and end.