There's a voice inside you that tells you what you should do.

The audience should feel like voyeurs. Their response is absolutely crucial.

Talent is an accident of genes - and a responsibility.

Somebody with Debbie Reynolds' features doesn't get cast as the Wicked Witch.

One longs for a director with a sense of imagination.

On film you put all your energies into a single glance.

Nothing gives me as much pleasure as travelling. I love getting on trains and boats and planes.

My parents certainly didn't have anything to do with the theater. I'm some kind of accident.

My idea of a real treat is Magic Mountain without standing in line.

Maverick is a word which appeals to me more than misfit. Maverick is active, misfit is passive.

Market forces impose certain rules before a film can actually get made.

It would be wonderful to think that the future is unknown and sort of surprising.

If you spend any time in Los Angeles, there's only one topic of conversation.

If you could build a house on a trampoline, that would suit me fine.

If people want to know who I am, it is all in the work.

If only life could be a little more tender and art a little more robust.

I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.

I'm always aware of the camera and it feels like that's the audience.

I'm a quite serious actor who doesn't mind being ridiculously comic.

I was 7, and I remember being given a part in a play and thinking, This is exciting.

I want to swim in both directions at once. Desire success, court failure.

I think worrying things are going on in England - a real apathy.

I think there's some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom.

I don't think it's right that everybody knows everything about me.