My mom was always really healthy and cautious about her diet, so I'm not a big sugar guy.

If I lost weight, I'd be two-dimensional!

I think my mom put it best. She said, 'Little girls soften their daddy's hearts.'

There's a lot of guys that just get comfortable with their positions and rest on their laurels. I had to earn my way.

I'm a doer, and whether it was the tsunami in Sri Lanka or the earthquake in Indonesia, I was always saying, 'I should be there; I should be helping out.'

I almost sabotaged my career. 'The Fast and the Furious' didn't let me, and I'm grateful now. That franchise gave me the opportunity.

I'm really close to all of my family.

I hope I'm in a position to make stuff that I really want to make as opposed to stuff that I just have to make for money reasons, or to sustain a certain marquee value.

Football was my sport. I was fast. I was a free safety.

I've been so transient, I've been on my own since I was 16. I didn't even have my own place until I was 32 years old. I literally lived out of bags for 16-plus years.

My father's a protector. My father's old-school. He's a cowboy.

You know, I'm a pretty mellow guy. I'm pretty easy-going. I see everyone's perspective.

That's one thing about Hollywood. People don't always want what's real. People always want a little more. So for me, it's a compromise. Here you go, that hyper-reality.

I'm not affected by violence the way some people are. I don't know why, but I enjoy that intensity.

I could take you for a walk on the beach and I could point out just about any creature and give you their Latin names.

I wanna work with good people. I don't want to work with screaming, yelling directors who've got daddy issues. I just don't want to deal with those guys.

Me and my buddies are all like brothers. So it's okay for us to say 'I love you' or whatever. It's always cool. I think that comes from my dad. That's just the way he always was.

I surf; I skateboard. I'm from Southern California. I never thought I was going to be an actor. And to be honest with you, I never really thought of myself as one.

We're only on the earth for a short period of time. Movies aren't enough. I want to take my success and parlay it into something bigger and better.

I pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. That's it. I don't have the time or patience for anything else. I'm a natural kind of guy. I don't style my hair - never learned how.

I'm a surfer. I grew up in Southern California and used to surf twice a day, every day.

I thought I'd just do a wave of movies, and then I'd burn out. They just kept coming together.

I'm not afraid of anything. That's just the way I am.

I was definitely ahead of my friends. I was French-kissing girls way before anybody else was.