And to Tom Cruise, for if you had won this, your asking price would have gone down so fast. Do you have any idea what supporting actors get paid? We get only one trailer, a small one, in the back.

I've always enjoyed acting. When we were younger, my sisters and I would put on plays for our parents.

I used to say that I wanted someone cute and nice, an actor too, so he'd get it. But now I think it would be good for me to date someone who's not in the business.

Sometimes fans for male pop stars or actors can be a little crazy. I was that way with Jesse McCartney and N'Sync.

I talk so much on stage - too much. I always get in trouble. But it's just the best to be able to connect with people.

Acting is something I work really, really hard on that I throw myself into a situation where I do work 18 hours a day. And I do hope to see longevity.

I don't know how an actress is supposed to observe and create new stuff if she hasn't been on the streets, brushing up against humanity. You have to have a life.

When I started acting, I was told over and over again, 'You're no good.' But I said to myself, 'You've got to keep it up.'

When I started acting, I was told over and over again, 'You're no good.' But I said to myself, 'You've got to keep it up.'

The bad thing about being with an actor is that the role he's in stays with him all the time. The good thing about being with an actor - well, I can't think of any good thing.

I'm an actor. I'm trying to be the character and do what they're doing.

The exciting part of acting, I don't know how else to explain it, are those moments when you surprise yourself.

Seriously, I would go in a second. I'd be the first actor in space and I'd love to do it.

Matt Damon is a great actor, and he's from Boston, so we've got a few things in common. I've seen him throw a football, though. He definitely needs to work on that.

It's true; I have a skill and it's... it has not related to acting, it's not related to auditions, it's not related to studios, not related to public whim. It's whether I'm funny or not and whether I can entertain people.

War consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known.

God's grace and mercy have brought you through. Quit acting as if you made it on your own.

Guys act strange around me. I swear I don't know why!

I feel like acting is something I've been working towards longer. And it would be great to win a Grammy, of course, but for some reason, an Oscar speaks more to me.

I love doing theater. That's where my home is.

I always wanted to do dramas. Ever since I was young, I wanted to be in a role where I could play a prostitute or a drug addict, because it's nice to be able to portray someone who is so far from you, which I love.

I'm one of those actors who is going to come in with 2,500 ideas. You can shoot down 2,499, but one of them you're going to like.

As an actress, you go where the stories are. I don't really care where it's seen, at this point. I just want to tell good stories and do good roles that I haven't done before.

As an actress, you want to try new things. You don't want to repeat yourself. That becomes more important to you, as you get older.