I work with The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. I sit proudly as one of only two recovering addicts on their board.

I'm a layperson. I barely got out of high school. I have no business telling people what to do or my big philosophy on life. I'm certainly not going to write any sort of memoir.

I've been happily married to Chris for almost 20 years.

I've been in showbusiness all my life, but as an actress I have never been overly driven.

It was during a cosmetic procedure that I first had painkillers.

My marriage? Up to now everything's okay. But it's a real marriage - imperfect and very difficult. It's all about people evolving somewhat simultaneously through their lives. I think we've emotionally evolved.

Now all of a sudden I'm so less interested in pretending to be a lot of other people, and much more interested in being me.

So, am I friendly with my daughter and her friends? Yes. Am I their friend? No. Does she shut the door? Yes, and I very much support the shut door.

The parameters are such that I don't get offered a lot of work. I'm sure most directors hear my list of don'ts and say forget it.

Well, I could do it for a day, but I wouldn't want to be a teenager again. I really wouldn't.

With short hair you have to get a haircut every two or three weeks. And if you're coloring your hair, you have to color it that often. Every time I did it, I felt fraudulent.

I attempted various types of plastic surgery, minutely but enough to stave off this encroaching middle-aged body. And every time I did, something went wrong. I felt misshapen, just not natural any more.

I'm going to look the way God intends me to look... with a little help from Manolo Blahnik.

I'm a performer. I've just been one since I was a little girl. I used to pretend all the time.

I barely got out of high school, and I look back at my life often and go, 'Wow, this was awesome!'

I've etched out who I am through myriad haircut attempts, outfit attempts, beauty attempts, diet attempts. It's been an evolution.

I'm never going to be an athlete, never going to be running triathlons - I'm not that person.

My life is so filled with my children, my family, and the charitable work I do.

I actually think there's an incredible amount of self-knowledge that comes with getting older.

If I were an actress today at the age of 18, I would never make it, because now our young actresses all seem to be very beautiful and very talented right away.

The most rewarding aspect of parenting is seeing my children be authentic. The most rewarding thing for me is to see them do anything that they're proud of.

I don't think any woman wants to be known for being beautiful or busty. I think you want to be known for who you are.

If I can challenge old ideas about aging, I will feel more and more invigorated. I want to represent this new way. I want to be a new version of the 70-year-old woman. Vital, strong, very physical, very agile. I think that the older I get, the more yoga I'm going to do.

My mother and stepfather were married 43 years, so I have watched a long marriage. I feel like I had a very good role model for that. And, you know, it's just a number.