I have very short hair. It's the only cute haircut I think I've ever had.

I believe that life is hard. That we all are going to walk through things that are hard and challenging, and yet advertising wants us to believe that it's all easy.

The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people.

Well, the album 'Intuition' is out and just went platinum officially. So I think to have the music doing what it's doing right now, man, it's the ultimate. Nobody is really selling records out there but we are at a million records and we dropped it at Christmas, so we are just trying to get that thing to like two million, you know.

I want to be the person who eventually doesn't have to be in front of the camera. I can be behind the camera and really change things cinematically, and this is giving me an opportunity to do something behind the camera, which I really want to maximize.

You know what? I never really factor Hollywood into anything. I'm a black actor, so I can't really control what Hollywood thinks. I gotta go do my thing, and my jokes have got to be funny. Whatever I do has got to be great.

In looking at Hollywood and its structure, the director controls the medium, and I want to be in control of certain things. I want to be able to get my own ideas and my own feelings out there, and the only way to do that is to be behind the camera.

I want to thank my daughter, who told me, 'If you don't win, Dad, you're still good,' ... who taught me how to act.

We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn't have a sort of influence. It does.

I try to be as honest and open as I am with everything that I do because it’s just, um, It helps me, you know, like whether it’s stand up or singing or act. I just try to stay true.

The most interesting thing about acting is when you go to the dark places, that's a lot of energy. When you go to the happiest places, it's also a lot of energy.

When your movie is hot, your options are crazy.

I've been a sports fan all my life, and like most other actors, I'm convinced I could have been a pro athlete if Hollywood hadn't come calling.

"I only want my work to make people happy."

"Before I do a stunt, I have to make sure it is safe."

"My dream is to continue filming until my body tells me to stop."

"Anyone can be a Superman, but nobody can be Jackie Chan."

"I make American films for American audiences and Asian films for Asian audiences."

"I want to show audiences I can act."

"I've seen too many ups and downs in the movie industry."

"After all those years in Asia, I don't have to do promotion anymore. We just release a Jackie Chan movie and - Boom! - people go."

"Acting was something I always wanted to try. I just didn't know how, or I didn't know when the door was gonna be open for me to try it. But it finally opened up for me when I did 'Turn It Up', and ever since then I've been in love with doing films."

"I love my job, I love being an actor and stepping into the shoes of different characters and exploring their lives. It's enriched my life extremely. I've learned more about myself and the ways of life through being an actor."

"I'm not one of these actresses like, 'Okay, where's the camera? Is it here? Is it here?' I don't even ask the questions because I don't really want to know. I like not performing for a camera but giving it my best every single time whether you're close or whether you're far."