The drama nerd comes out in me when I'm in a theater.

I have so much empathy for these young actors that are 19 and all of a sudden they're beautiful and famous and rich. I'm like, 'Oh my God, I'd be dead.'

When you have a child, as anyone knows who has them, that's basically all you want to talk about.

If I was a little bit younger I would worry more. I'd want to do one thing at a time but now I try to do a bunch of different things at a time if I can.

The size of my head though is pretty abnormal.

Sometimes I'm uncomfortable with the level of fame I've got! It all depends on the day and what's going on. I don't desire any more fame. I don't need it.

Sometimes I have a great day of filming and sometimes the theater strikes me better. It just depends.

My love for the theater has always been a priority. That hasn't changed. I got into acting that way. The film work that came up was really a surprise.

I have a fine level of recognition in the business and among the acting community now, so I consider myself one of the lucky ones. If I didn't think that, there would be something wrong with me. I'm grateful and thankful for what I've got.

I didn't have any idea that I would be able to have a career in film.

Being unemployed is not good for an actor. No, it isn't, no matter how unsuccessful you are. Because you always remember getting fired from all the restaurants. You remember that stuff very, very strongly.

I think you should be serious about what you do because this is it. This is the only life you've got.

When you're playing someone who really lived, you carry a burden, a burden to be accurate. But it's one that you have to let go of ultimately.

The weight comes off, you know? If you stop with the bread and the pie, it really does. It really works.

Actors are investigators.

You have to understand that crew members make movies so they're seeing a lot of actors all the time in their career acting.

Actors are responsible to the people we play.

I think part of being an actor is staying private.

I didn't really buy LPs or go to concerts.

When I was younger, my dad would cook, and I would never really have it, unless it was something like spaghetti. I would only like what my mom made - macaroni and cheese or something like that. But after I reached a certain age, I think it was 11, I realized I liked his cooking.

I love John Hughes films.

The energy in New York is like no other.

I think people don't really like change.

I don't want to be boring, and I never want people to think it's a snoozefest. I want to find the middle point between looking classic and also trying something new.