When I got the offer to be a Bongo girl, I was so ecstatic, I couldn't believe it.

In Los Angeles, I feel like I'm wasting time while I'm driving, so now I listen to NPR and the 'Serial' podcast. I'm like, 'Yay! I can learn something while driving.'

Every once in a while, friends leave sarcastic comments on photos. I know they're joking, but the sarcastic humor doesn't always translate well when I am sitting behind my screen reading it. In person, it's easier to play it off as a joke, but online, it can come across as offensive.

I love fall! Fall is, like, one of my favorite seasons.

My friends are more than an 'accept' button on Facebook, and over the , I've learned the only way to have a best friend is to actually be one.

I'm fully aware of how lucky I am to do the work I do. I work really, really hard, and there are a lot of privileges and perks that come with the job.

A mini lint brush is always in my purse.

I love Popsicles. I make them out of real fruit, then dip them in chocolate and roll them in cereal.

When I'm in L.A., I have salads, sandwiches, and soups all the time. Eating in New York, I feel like I have to have pizza and bagels while I'm here!

I love to start the day with a stretch and a few miles of running. It wakes me up and clears my head.

I love dancing.

I never thought I was funny.

I really love the idea of a short dress for prom!

I compost at home. I'm always taking old banana peels, eggshells, coffee beans, or whatever it is, and putting them in a compost bin and then using it in my backyard.

I think that what makes you cool at the end of the day is letting go, not being superficial or uptight, and being different.

My hair holds curls so well, and I don't wash it every day because it doesn't need it.

I like mixing high-end finds with less expensive items. I've been known to pair an outfit from Forever 21 with Chanel shoes.

I cannot wear low-waisted pants - I'm constantly pulling them up.

Vlogging is something that's pretty entertaining. But like with a lot of social media, I just feel it's so easy to stop living your life, even though you're creating all these moments.

I knew I was born with a heart murmur. Doctors have always monitored it, and it's never caused any problems. Still, it's on my mind a bit more now. Especially now that I know that heart disease is a woman's disease and not just what Grandpa suffers from.

In Singapore, I want to go to the water park on Sentosa Island.

Sometimes, when I'm on the red carpet or something, and there was a lot of flashes, my eyes, like, start watering. I'm like, 'Oh.' You have to hide it, so I just keep going, and then I'm like, 'Oh gosh, it hurts so bad.'

I hate jealousy so much that if I ever do feel it, I try to shut it down immediately, but it's so hard.

My school has a bunch of actors and professional kids, like Chloe Grace Moretz, Odeya Rush, and Olympic gymnasts. Basically, anyone who has a job as a kid.