I was a sullen kid who smoked cigarettes and wore black every day, and I went to a school that was lacrosse players and Izods.

I guess the word to call me is my name, Pete.

The greatest preparation for a TV show is to already have one season behind you.

My favourite superhero? I have a soft spot for Batman, because he doesn't have any super powers - he's just a person. And he's pretty dark.

I knew David Benioff a bit socially. I knew his wife, Amanda Peet. He's a smart guy, so I always sought him out at dinner parties.

I think actors get too comfortable. I like being uncomfortable as an actor because it keeps you alive. I don't know, I think it's important.

I'm a private person in many ways.

Every person my size has a different life, a different history. Different ways of dealing with it. Just because I'm seemingly O.K. with it, I can't preach how to be O.K. with it. I don't think I still am O.K. with it. There's days when I'm not.

You'd be surprised how condescending people can be.

A lot of directors straight out of film school are very technically minded, but they don't have an understanding of actors or how to talk to them.

What I really want is to play the romantic lead and get the girl.

They'll say, 'Oh, he's sexy,' but women still go for guys who are 6ft 2 ins. I don't believe any of it for a minute.

I have a need to always make people laugh. I have a desperate need. I love a great sense of humor. The people I sort of surround myself with have that.

I think if actors are successful at one thing, they paint themselves into a corner sometimes, and what's the fun in that?

As an adolescent, I was bitter and angry, and I definitely put up these walls.

I'm always attracted to anti-hero roles.

The leads are often the boring part.

Being on television, playing the same character for many years, for me, I think that would get a little tedious.

Each year, billions of animals are subjected to cruelty on factory farms, feed lots, and slaughterhouses. The brutality that these animals endure would be grounds for felony cruelty charges if inflicted upon our cats and dogs.

Fantasy novels, I don't really gravitate to that part of the bookstore.

People have the strangest ideas about dwarves.

The reason I like 'Breaking Bad,' which is still probably my favorite show, is Walter White. You watch him transform, and that's so fascinating. And I think. a lot of TV shows that aren't successful, it's because the characters become stagnant.

I am this guy who's four and a half feet tall, but my life doesn't constantly address it.

Dwarves are still the butt of jokes. It's one of the last bastions of acceptable prejudice.