I have a friend - not a dwarf - who's an alchemist of sorts. He concocted a men's cologne... He gave me a bottle as a gift. I was thinking we should totally put this on the market. You know how Jessica Simpson and Beyonce have signature perfumes and make a mint? I'm thinking this cologne could be my ticket to fortune.

'Game of Thrones' fans are the nicest people ever, but a thousand nice people coming at me gives me claustrophobia.

Since I've joined 'Game of Thrones,' it's been such a pleasure.

I'm not going to play my violin, but with my dwarfism, I'm a bit of a mutant.

If I was born 400 years ago instead of now, I wouldn't have the life I have. There were freak shows, and there was horrible discrimination.

Women on the whole are often not as shallow as men are. They can be, but they cut through things a little more easily than men do in terms of that superficial stuff.

Women respond to comfort and a sense of humor. I was always able to make them laugh, so that helps a lot.

'Star Wars' or 'The Lord of the Rings' deal with great big Joseph Campbell-style myths, good and evil.

Sometimes, when the material is really good, you put expectations on yourself to make it the best possible show. You're not just serving up the regular hash and doing your job and going home.

Sometimes on sets, I shut down, try to focus.

I saw a report on the news: 'Peter Dinklage tweeted... ' What? You know, I don't need any of that stuff. I got an email account; that's all I need.

You want your privacy as a human being.

I'm recognized, let me put it that way.

There are wars being fought! Who cares what I'm doing on a Saturday night? I'm not even a celebrity.

Anybody who was in 'The Godfather' is a tough guy.

People's personalities get tweaked at weddings.

I think everybody goes through changes, and the same should be said for fictional characters, especially ones that you follow on television.

With a lot of shows, what you'll see happen is they start off really well, and they're very original, but they become sort of a version of themselves. They stand outside the show... they become a cliche of the show they once were. That's the whole 'jumping the shark' thing.

I think with a lot of filmmakers, their first film is their best film because they had to think on their feet and solve problems with ingenuity.

I think more money can be very detrimental to movies and TV because things get solved economically rather than creatively, and that's never a good solution.

It was hard doing scenes with Bobby Cannavale because I would break up laughing because he's so funny.

There's a thing at the Museum of Natural History in New York, where I live: they have a stairwell where you follow the beginning and the course of this planet, and it's a very long stairwell, and you follow, and you follow, and then you reach the top, and we're, like, half a step on the stairwell - the timeline for us on this planet.

We, as Americans, at least - I mean, I love my country - but we're so self-righteous sometimes, in terms of, like, our nationality, our country. But we're people from somewhere else; the true 'Americans' are the original peoples. It's funny, but we're a very territorial species.

We're not environmentally doing very good things to this planet, and we might not be around too long.