I tore my ACL playing basketball.

Your director is your main support - actors don't generally give each other advice on set, not in my experience.

It's hard to talk about acting because I don't think it's quite as explicit as a lot of people might think. And that's probably the best thing about it.

I started acting pretty young, so I haven't had too many odd jobs. But I used to sell candy out of my locker in middle school.

At the heart of drama is conflict.

I'm very low-maintenance.

I like a restaurant called Bruci, and there's some really nice people who work there and good food. They change their menu a lot, so maybe that's what keeps me coming back. I never know what I'm going to get.

I like movies a lot, and I feel really excited when I see a movie that moves me the right way.

I went to private school in Manhattan, and at a young age, they made us do public speaking. For some reason, I was good at standing in front of the class and speaking.

The hardest thing about working with your partner is that the work starts to become first.

I'm not a person who needs to chit-chat between takes by any means.

One thing you notice is, there's a lot of people with raw talent, and then there's people who take that talent and work hard.

I feel like I have to be responsible for what I'm participating in or putting out into the world.

I do like the idea of consequence and how our actions play themselves out, but I am completely scared of knowing what the future would be like. I would never go near a fortune teller, even though it's probably not even real. I just don't wanna know.

I love Brooklyn; it's a part of who you are.

Spring and fall in New York are the best seasons here to get out and about. I like the little park in Dumbo between the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridge. I like Prospect Park.

Robert De Niro's sort of like a surfer: he doesn't really force anything. So if he catches the wave, or something spills out - to watch a guy be a force at what he does. He has a good worth ethic.

When you repeat yourself so many times, even if you're speaking the truth, the repetition starts to feel false. Sometimes, you just feel like the words you're speaking, even if they once had meaning, have lost it. And that makes you feel kind of silly.

The world of the homeless is a tough and interesting world.

I don't like to spend a lot of money on haircuts: I'll sometimes grow my hair and get an acting job and get them to cut it for free. I think for a lady, though, it's okay to spend a lot on a haircut.

I do think the first time you read a script, that gut response is very important, and that probably plants a seed that continues to blossom throughout the whole experience.

Let's say honorary favorite New Yorker is John Lennon, and favorite real New Yorker is Biggie, because he's the best.

I don't have any tattoos.

I think you sometimes have to go hit rock bottom before you can grow and rebuild as a person.