In tragedy, it's hard to find a good resolution; it's not black and white: it's a big fog of gray.

Sometimes we fall in love with the idea of a person and have trouble seeing the real thing.

Bollywood is there; the film industry is thriving, and it's huge, and it's everywhere. Anytime I travel abroad and I say I'm an actor from India, they're like, 'Oh, Bollywood!' And I say, 'Umm, not yet!'

We should release films without revealing the director's name, as his or her gender would not be a barometer to watch those films.

I want to make the work space more dignified and safe for women.

I have always been arrogantly confident about the work I have done.

The writer and the director are ultimately responsible for what is portrayed and glorified in a film. Then comes the producer.

I have worked in films where we just put on the make-up and go in for a shoot without any discussions and even a talk with the director.

I longed for people to forget Parvathy and remember my character. That has finally happened in Malayalam.

I have committed myself to giving quality work.

The day the audience feel they are watching Parvathy instead of the character, that would be me failing as an actor.

One must keep challenging oneself to do well in any profession.

Reviews are extremely subjective, but I have respect for them.

I have been shocked at some senior actors who made lewd comments on my body. They think it is normal, and in fact, I thought it was normal. But, much later, I failed to see how that is a normal thing.

Cinema is very important to me. I derive a lot of strength from this art form, and I believe that it is very impactful socio-politically.

Sameera, my character in 'Take Off,' was extremely intense.

Both my parents are lawyers. They come from humble beginnings.

You can't just skim the surface of any role. You have to find the depths, because any other way would be dishonest.

Diversity is strength. Our cinema and our art forms need to diversify so that it tells all stories, all perspectives.

I have been in the industry for 11 years but still feel excited about my work. That is what keeps any actor going.

I reserve the right to be a participating citizen and artist.

From my personal experience, I've put on and lost weight according to each character's requirement, which has taken a toll on my health.

I like it when things come to me; I choose a movie if I know I need to be a part of it.

I was not somebody who watched a lot of films. We couldn't afford to. We came from struggling family background.