I was born in India… Gujarat. I am an Indian! And India is a democratic country, anyone can stand for elections. I can also stand for elections.

Children should be kept as normal as possible. At a very young age, they are not even aware of the happenings around them. You need to do whatever you can to grow them normally.

I know that people in Dubai are particularly well read, educated and intelligent and that the audience in front of me will come looking forward to an evening that is different from watching a film. That is the kind of crowd that goes to a theatre or a play and I am hoping to see many of them in Dubai.

Even Dopehri,' if somebody has a bit of imagination, the way it's written, they will be able to see that it's a screenplay with dialogues.

Most of the theatre work that you see in India is very verbose and the visual is whatever you can create on stage.

In a play, a few actors perform a few characters, and they need to perform those characters with a certain level of believability so that audiences can actually understand and see them as those characters.

There were certain things that I tried to do on 'Karamchand.' Initially, they were hated, but eventually everyone loved the characterization.

I admit I'm choosy. That's because I like to concentrate on what I'm doing.

As an actor you are supposed to do some kind of action in case it is required. I remember this sequence where I was pulled up by a wire 100 ft above the ground. This was my first time that I was hung with a wire and I was a bit scared. But I must say it was a very beautiful experience looking down at everybody from a height.

If you continue working hard and be honest towards your work, then success will come.

When I was doing theatre in Mumbai, actors won't come because they had television. For many years, I did theatre religiously and in Mumbai, I saw people disrespecting it and it hurt me very badly.

Small events and some songs and dance do not make a film. A film needs to have a proper structure and there has to be an output which would be relevant to people who watch it.

I have always taken up films that I like. And in the process if I have done films which bring out something that could do society good, I think it's great.

As an actor, I am not comfortable with an artificial beard.

To be very objective, I am here in this field for thirty five years, and I always knew that Shahid has an incredible capability as an actor.

'Jersey' is a very strong story and is driven by emotions.

Over centuries, we have attached too many meanings to religion.

I must say that Bengaluru has been one of the best places where I've performed and I would love to associate with the theatre scene here on a personal level.

If you want a good play and a show, you need time to prep for it. Artistes must be allowed to practice without being charged for the practice sessions. Let the auditorium charge for the tickets.

There is a perception that I do certain kind of films. That's not true. I am open to any good scripts with a good role.

When you get confidence from your director, as an actor, it is all a matter of how your director says, 'This is how much I can get out of you.'

'Mausam' is about seasons of love and not exactly about the weather.

I might not do it again and again, but I would like to test waters which are considered forbidden for me. It is a human tendency.

If you have to make a story in 10 rupees or you know that at this stage you can get only 10 rupees then you cut down on your expenses. But when one has made four-five films one likes to broaden the horizons.