I have learnt to become patient as an actor.

My job is that of an actor. As long as I get to act, get some interesting parts to play, get to be a part of interesting stories, I would certainly want to do it.

There's no set rule, but when you look at the script, you start thinking about this person and how to create this human being on screen. You dig deeper into a script.

As an actor, I have always felt, everything is available in the script. If there is anything you feel the script lacks, you can have a discussion with the director and point out those.

My son has been wiser than me in terms of his career graph. He saw to it that he became a star first and start to get all the roles that he wanted to do.

What's most fortunate is that once he turned 18, Shahid assisted me for a while, so we got to spend a lot of time with each other.

For a father, to separate from his son is not easy.

My friend Akshay Upadhyay and I used to write poetry and read out to each other.

I am very lazy.

I believe that the performance of my actors is of utmost importance to make a good film.

It's a bit unusual that I'm the novelist and the actor who is reading out his own material.

As an actor, my desire was always to be different, there was a desire to associate yourself with projects that bring about the contemporary situation.

I agree I'd like to do more work. But the right kind of roles has to be offered to me. I'm not saying the roles need to be realistic all the time, though that's what I like connecting with on screen.

I do a project and then I forget about it because the release of whatever work you have done is not in your hand.

I have been rather selective, doing not more than two or thee films a year, so that leaves me with plenty of time to prep for my plays and theatre activities.

Every actor must go through the process of learning and not just be in a hurry to become famous. They should learn to live in small amounts and not to try and copy others.

I am a father who never pushes or forces his children into anything.

The director needs to have a vision and clarity in his mind. It's not enough to know the story, he or she should have the knowledge and efficiency to execute it articulately.

Content-driven films can make money - something that is gripping, is a journey of revelation and is relevant is cinema.

I don't have any single character that is my favorite because I would like to be known for the sum total of my work and not for an individual character that I might have played.

I admit TV is a far cry from the films that I started my career with, like 'Ek Doctor Ki Maut.' It's like reading Chekov and then going on to a comic strip.

School days were very special to me as I never found the time to complete my graduation.

Cinema which is well-made, for any kind of audience, is worthy of being watched by just about anybody who would like to watch a good story being told.

Back in the 1990s, I had an opportunity to make a film. But I realized that it is better for me to go in stages so I could explore myself as an actor and in the process I started writing scripts.