We have ambitions, we go on with our lives. We get married and have families. But I was interested to know what happens to those girls who become mothers and grandmothers. They sacrificed their self at a time when they were young and healthy.

Drama should be taught in schools to have more artistic people.

In India, writers are underpaid. Universities should start new courses to create more opportunities for them.

My wife and I often have debates about who studied in a better school and when I list KVM alumni, she kind of loses the argument.

Our cinema is coming of age, and people are realizing we need to tell different stories differently and in fresh manner and not just do formula stuff and serve it to the audience.

The Weinstein story and the way it has shaken the roots of Hollywood has made apparent the fact that, across the world, there is a pressing need to recognize and correct the circumstances women subsist in, in order to move forward.

It has been a fairy tale for an outsider, bouncing from one film set to another, choosing my films as assertively as those films chose me. And through this journey I have not once faced the dreaded syndrome of the 'casting couch.'

Anger, pain and a tinge of joy are the recursive emotions I have been waking up to ever since I read reports on how Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed women in Hollywood for years. Some of these women are actors I have been longing to co-star with even if they reside in another part of the globe.

In spite of its relatively nascent rise in popularity, tea joints across the country are romanticized, quite like beer pubs in the West.

I always celebrated my birthdays with my parents. There is no question of not being with them on that day.

I had a smooth take-off in Malayalam, I would like to explore more and take up films that are different in Tamil.

Cinema is a male-dominated bastion and one has to be patient.

I am not revolutionary or experimental, but I am curious and love to explore and indulge in life.

All my directors have tried to draw the best out of me at that point of time.

I am a director's actor. It is a director's medium, definitely. That doesn't mean I stop using my head.

In any language, I would like to do my best!

I am comfortable doing glamorous roles and have no qualms going nude if the character demands it.

I am not a good actor. There is much more to do and learn.

I have acted in 20 films in various languages and won 13 awards for my acting skills.

Malayalam actress Ann Augustine, director V K Prakash, writer Jayaprakah Kulur and I have planned to produce quality dramas and to take it to a wide range of audience. We are making some popular works into stage plays.

The only philosophy that I'm not confused about in life is love.

I've never been linked to a co-star or director, never had drunken stupors or been disrespectful of a producer's position. I don't have parents intruding in filmmaking affairs and so on. I'm a professional and like to look at myself that way.

Yes, I have had more commercial success in Malayalam but that doesn't mean I can't do with more in Tamil.

Tamil has given me an experience that's extremely rich from Vishnu's Pattiyal' to Chimbudevan's Irrumbakottai,' to even a small significant role in Ram's Thangameengal.'