Looks is a matter of perception. At Cannes, Europeans think I am good looking, while in India, I am not.

Behind every easy role, there is a lot of hard work that goes in.

I was determined to be an actor and make a name in the industry, and hence, I did.

I feel satisfied after achieving something difficult.

I am doing characters that have so many layers. And I am very lucky that I show a lot of variety.

I kind of discovered Kolkata when I was shooting here for 'Kahaani.' I found the city fascinating.

Rituparno Ghosh is a legendary director, and I happen to be a huge fan of his.

I prefer if friends come over to my office and we talk our heart out over a cup of coffee. I feel that no one talks freely at industry bashes. Everyone has to behave in a certain way, and I think no one is real there. We can't have heart-to-heart conversations, and I start feeling uncomfortable at such dos.

My job is to work hard and be honest with my character, and that's in my control. I can only try to give my best performance.

I love observing people. Each face tells so many stories. It lets me understand emotions, and that, in turn, helps me apply my skills as an actor.

There is nothing called negative character. The negativity and positivity exists in all of us.

Sci-fi always runs out a little bit ahead of reality, right? Automatic doors in 'Star Trek,' stuff like that. It all happened, didn't it, finally?

I want to keep people guessing.

When girls bully, it's very subtle, and you can't define it. At least with boys, the bullying is usually explicit, and you can deal with it. It's psychological with girls.

I've been insane from a very early age.

I love poker!

I was frequently told at drama school that I was thinking too much. And I still have to suppress that part of me because it can sometimes be a hindrance.

Network shows shoot so fast, so you kind of have to just go with your instinct.

More often than not, I get cast as quite Machiavellian roles - it's something about my face; I'm quite shifty or something!

I've never been far from the river. I'm sort of like a Thames-nymph.

The beauty of 'The Hunger Games' and also 'Game of Thrones,' in fairness, both projects have really complex, three-dimensional, contradictory, strong women... The writing of female characters is extraordinary and equal to the men.

Women have a lot of... attitudes enforced in us about our sense of attractiveness being bound up in long, flowing, Hollywood kind of hair.

It's funny how being an actor forces you to do things or go places that you wouldn't ordinarily.

As a child, I was prancing around in my mother's high heels and a ra-ra skirt, singing 'Material Girl' into my hairbrush.