These are moments in your life to be cherished; they don't come around that often. To be flying around in a 'Game of Thrones' jet, to be greeted by massive enthusiasts.

I feel like I've really earnt my stripes - I feel ready to play a lead. I would just love to prove I'm good enough to carry a project.

Actors have this amazing skill - we bond quite quickly but equally we move on quite quickly. There's nothing particularly cold or capricious about it - we're troubadours and lead a troubadour's lifestyle.

I know I'm not a conventional beauty. You can read a lot of painful things on the Internet, which criticise you aesthetically - but as far as I'm concerned, that's not what an actress is.

It's a writer's or director's role to be cerebral, whereas for an actor it should be a visceral, gut thing. When the action starts, it's best to turn the brain off and let it become an instinctual thing.

I think the beauty of the writing of 'Game of Thrones' is not that the characters are fearless; it's how they overcome their fear, you know?

It really bugs me the way people criticise how actors look. We're not models. Models exist.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather, who I was very close to, used to grow yellow roses. He had yellow roses growing all the way up his drive.

I'm a bed monster.

I always tell people this: to be a savvy politician or a good head of state and to be charitable are not mutually exclusive things.

Women are over 50 percent of the population.

I was a very physical child... I was a tree-climber; I was a tomboy.

I think we all remember Emma Peel from 'The Avengers,' the feminist icon that she was in the late '60s.

We all need some TLC and to pat ourselves on the back from time to time.

Famously, Anne Boleyn was not a beauty: she was more about quirkiness and an innate sensuality, and there are a lot of references to her eyes. Which sends out a great message for women, because life is not about the aesthetic all the time.

I'm quite physical. I'm from one of those dog-walking families where hiking up a mountain is meant to be fun.

I was so excited to work with Ridley Scott. Who wouldn't be?

I'm not going to comment about potential jobs in the future because that's a rabbit hole to go down and get caught up in, but all I'll say is I'll go where the good scripts are.

From my experience of shooting 'Tudors' on the island of Ireland, you cannot predict the weather.

You can think what you like of Madonna - about her political choices and her PR - but you have to respect her courage not to let the critics stop her exploring her potential.

I love my camera crews on all my jobs. It's the half of the job that the audience never gets to see. They're integral. They're as much a part of making a movie or television show as I am.

'The Hunger Games' has something for everyone.

Jennifer Lawrence is just the coolest girl.

Kids are very cruel to each other.