I think part of maturity is knowing who you are.

I learned to focus on what's real rather than imagined; on not letting feelings drive the bus; on being courageous and honest; on putting my total effort into something and not worrying about the result.

My son Matthew's beloved dog is a Jack Russell. His name is Buster. Matthew picked him as a puppy, when he was tiny himself.

JFK is a role I've always dreamt of playing.

I'll be sober ten years and married nine soon.

Individuals usually do a better job than the government.

To be counter to the culture, you are by definition willfully and actively ignoring the culture, i.e., reality.

For me, the battle is finding the balance between wanting to spend time with my boys and then having enough perspective to still be the disciplinarian and, like, not be in the best friend business.

It's funny what actors take issue with. Some won't do parts where animals are in jeopardy; some won't ever play anyone remotely unlikable - 'Heroes only, please.' Some won't do violence. I have no such qualms.

I'm not unashamed to say that I like movies that make me verklempt.

I wouldn't be where I am today without my mistakes. Particularly my mistakes. Exclusively my mistakes.

Here's my theory: If a person gets worldwide fame at a young age, they're emotionally frozen at that moment. For me, that's 15 to 18, so you find yourself in your mid-20s being a glorified 15-year-old. What could possibly go wrong?

I like the way you can circumvent the media gatekeepers and go right to the people. That's my favorite thing about Twitter.

I'd like to build a TV company for myself.

I don't like being taken for granted anywhere in life. I don't want my vote taken for granted.

David Blum burned a lot of bridges. He burned people early in their careers. He took on the wrong people, though. He's not Hunter Thompson or Tom Wolfe, he's David Blum living in a cheap flat.

As an actor and a fledgling director, I'm used to making snap decisions that I'll have to live with.

When I was filming 'The Outsiders,' my idea of success was getting the next Martin Scorsese movie.

Cannes is a little bit like French wine. There are certain years that people prefer over others.

I love acting so much that I don't want to give that up.

Fame is not a natural condition for human beings.

I have stamina, and I have energy.

Then there's the story of ill-fated love. It's universal.

When was the last time you saw a musical about people at war with each other?