You can't, or you shouldn't, be nominated for an Oscar unless you've turned in a performance that's special.

'America' took at least five days of actual filming.

You can never fight for a part or can't beg them to do another audition. You can try, but that rarely works.

I make a lot of soups and stews at home, and I always have fresh bread with it.

My idol when I was a kid was Elizabeth Taylor.

My video has a lot to do with the inside of a woman. Usually, exercise videos refer to exteriors only. They never talk to a woman where she lives - in her heart and soul. I do that at the beginning and end of mine.

My best work happened on the stage.

A friend of my mother's, Irene Lopez, was a Spanish dancer. She saw me bopping around the room and said to my mother, 'Rosita might have talent. Can I take her to my dance teacher?' There was no thought of a career at that time, but I knew I loved the attention, and that's so much a part of being a performer.

Is there a grandmother that isn't spunky on television? Is there such a creature?

There is something about sex that always brings out the funny in me. I think it's because we make such fools of ourselves over it.

I am a very positive and optimistic person.

You see a script, and you say, 'Oh, I can play the heck out of that,' talk to your agent, and he says they don't want to see you. That's heartbreaking.

I'm so damn lucky to still be here at 85. If I get a hangnail, I don't dare complain! Life is good. I wake up humming.

I never had an easy time making friends in the past, for many reasons. I didn't go into therapy for nothing.

I - my experience was really no different from any other immigrant that came to this country. It was rough.

I was never offered enough, and that's the truth.

I loved being in the film called 'Carnal Knowledge' - the one with Jack Nicholson, which was very dark but a really brilliant movie. I loved being in 'The Ritz.' 'The Ritz' I think is just hilarious. I just saw it again recently and by God, it's still funny!

Maybe it's my age, but I know I look good, so I'm not going to look like another person suddenly because I don't have makeup on - same hair, same person.

It's kind of heartbreaking when I talk about it now, I still get very moved by the lack of opportunities that were available to myself and to the very few others who were Hispanic young actresses.

I'm one of the happiest people I know. I truly am. And it's genuine.

I wore so much rubber when I was at MGM, I bumped into the wall once, and I ricocheted.

I made a lot of mistakes.

My husband and I were very different: I'm spontaneous and emotional; I'm loud - he was exactly the opposite. But you need to be flexible.

My grandkids are everything to me. For me, family is all!