Shakespeare is a seminal story-teller. I don't think he imagined he was writing classics or that he was writing great poetry. I don't think he dreamt his work would be staged 400 years after he died.

During the shooting of 'Manthan,' I lived in the hut, learnt to make cow dung cakes and milk a buffalo. I would carry the buckets and serve the milk to the unit to get the physicality of the character.

When we finally become total slaves of mobile phones, then maybe theatre will die.

I had many doubts while writing my autobiography. I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested to read about my life.

I don't see a future for Broadway-style theatre in India. We already have Hindi cinema, but small, intimate theatre will survive as long as people feel the need to talk to each other.

I don't scoff at the desire to make good movies. I scoff at the quality at poseurs masquerading as masters of the medium.

Unfortunately, in our country, crying is mistaken for good acting.

I had decided never to dye my hair because by doing that, it doesn't make a man look young. In fact, I feel the wrinkles on a man's face become more prominent when you dye your hair.

I never go to film festivals. I am allergic to them.

It was the '70s when mediocrity came in Hindi films. That's when the actor called Rajesh Khanna joined the industry. For all his success, I think Mr. Khanna was a very limited actor. In fact, he was a poor actor.

It's completely beyond comprehension that you just can't say anything without offending somebody or the other.

I feel anxious for my children because tomorrow, if a mob surrounds them and asks, 'Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?' they will have no answer.

Acting is fun, but directing is very stressful.

I am the king of old school romance.

An actor's job is to find variations of the same emotion in his being so that every time he expresses grief or joy, it doesn't look the same.

The film industry does not interest me greatly. The people, I don't mingle with them much. I meet them when I have to.

An actor can never voice his opinion through films. All an actor does is convey what the director and writer want to say. You are a mouthpiece of their ideas. Your ideas reflect only in your choice of movies.

I am from a place called Sardhana, which is near Meerut.

Humans are the only ones who are the custodians of other people's morals.

My motto is never to hold on to anything. I accept and then let go: not just the negatives, but the praise, too. Or it'll get to my head.

I miss having my mom and close friends around. Thank God for Skype and Face-Time, which keep me connected... but interacting digitally can't come close to the feeling of being hugged by my mom or getting together for a meal with my friends on the same table.

After coming to India, I have felt the loneliest I have ever been in my life. I don't have a support system here.

I generally fall sick if I eat very heavy food.

Keep your energy levels high by adding bananas and egg whites to your diet.