I am a romantic, and I think dates are wonderful. I like quirky and fun things. Like going for a bike ride or for a pedicure together.

I don't think anyone could play me. It would have to be me.

Because I'm in the public eye, I think that I would prefer to date someone regular who isn't in the news all the time, but I think even if you date someone regular, they'll still put it in the news.

I just do my job and go home. There's just one or two people I can say are friends that I can call.

You need to train your brain to be positive.

Don't be surprised if you find me doing some charity work in another country.

It took me just three months to pick up Hindi. I guess I'm a fast learner when it comes to languages.

As a child, I did watch some Hindi movies at home with Dad, but I didn't know who anyone was. I wasn't interested, honestly.

For me, life is about experiencing many new things and working with good people, working on good projects, and in general, just having any kind of job.

My life and my happiness is most important to me than any job or anything in the world.

It's so lovely to know that people who you would never think know about Bollywood, they know about Bollywood.

People will still give me attention: even when my teeth are gone, I'll have some good stories to tell.

If I can still have Hollywood and a piece of Bollywood, I will take it.

I shake hands on the first date.

I grew up in the projects in Queens, and we were really poor.

My mum was born in the former Czechoslovakia, and even though my grandparents weren't wealthy, they were aristocrats in their time.

I feel like an alien. I feel people don't like me. People behaved strangely after 'Rockstar.'

I had to struggle with the language. I can understand Hindi now, but I still can't communicate. And things get lost in translation; I feel rejected all the time.

In Bollywood, they like to put us in short clothes. And I am very shy; I don't like wearing revealing stuff, though my image is such. Unfortunately, it's a body-obsessed industry.

My priority is the script. Get me a good script, and I will sign the movie. I think I should leave the casting up to the experts!

I don't really know what the prerequisites are for Bollywood, but I do believe I can be successful in anything I choose to do.

My mother is happy with whatever I choose to do in life as long as I'm happy, healthy, and safe.

I have vowed never to take antibiotics again unless I really need them. I also learned to pay attention to my body, know the difference between indigestion, an allergic reaction to food, a parasitic infection or worms. It's incredible how well I know my body. I really love that.

I've experienced wrong diagnoses and been given antibiotics for things that could be cured naturally. We may not think much of it, but it destroys our immunity.