I do take my characters back home. In fact, I am the reel person in real life during the entire shoot. This affects me and my family because I tend to be eccentric or irritable during these times.

We live in a society where you may not like everything that is happening around you. However, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is wrong. Similarly, just because you dislike something, you don't have to keep talking about it or instigating people against it.

Our democracy has survived for so many years in India. We should at least give credit to the Congress for that.

I have seen some films which were bad or trashy been given four stars. From that day on, I don't believe in reviews.

As an actor, I think it is my responsibility to hold a mirror to the society.

When I was just 13, we went from being middle class to lower middle class and finally lower class, as someone close to my father took away everything he had, including his property. All of a sudden, I started working at the age of 13.

My father died when I was 28, and within two-and-a-half years of that, I lost my first son.

Everybody has a hero and a villain within themselves. So it depends upon you to be a hero or a villain. If you show humanity, it will give you satisfaction.

Yes, I remember as a child, I would potter around my mother in the kitchen and want to participate in everything she was doing. I have learnt most of my cooking from her. I also used to irritate her with a lot of questions.

Practice helps you reduce your mistakes.

The role has to excite me as an actor. It is like a train journey: you know where you have to reach, and all things that happen in between are like stations that come and go. Of course, there are films like 'Welcome,' which I did only for money.

I believe in God, but I am not religious.

Spirituality, for me, is acquiring and giving happiness without hurting anyone.

If anybody has done bad things to me, then I must have done the same to them.

I am not a greedy actor.

Whenever somebody comes to me with a script, I ask a question to myself - 'Why do I want to do the film?'

Government will do whatever they want.

The Naxals are also human beings.

Dealing with crime using archaic methods has become impossible. So, it's imperative that we change the ways to counter them.

I've repeatedly tried to curb my temper.

I know I get abusive, very abusive, when I'm angry.

I don't like talking about bygones.

I want to do films like 'As Good as it Gets' or 'Analyze This.'

I believe in sharing and contributing to society without being in politics.