Theatre has taught me a lot, and I am sure there will be a lot to learn.

I came from the theatre. I would prefer to spend more time there.

When I was just 13 years old, I even painted cinema posters.

Always let your work talk for yourself. No matter how much you give interviews or how much you are written about, it is always the performance which counts.

I have always wanted to be an actor. I was just five when I started acting.

Pakistani actors and everything come later, but first comes my country. I don't know anyone apart from my country, and nor would I like to know anyone.

Soldiers are the biggest heroes. No one can be a bigger hero than them.

When I don't feel like working, I don't.

When you serve the country selflessly, that is your greatest contribution to the country.

That is my style. I work when I feel like working.

My cooking style is exactly like my mother's.

I am a better cook than actor.

The police and the army do their job honestly and sincerely. They are devoted to the country.

My work is my ultimate source of happiness.

When you refer to terra entities, you ornately say Mother Nature and Mother Earth. How much honour and care do all of us accord to any of the three - including our real life mother?

Actors are bedbugs in front of the nation. We don't have any worth.

Farmers will not see good days unless their produce gets a guaranteed price. Even a notebook, a pen, or a soap has a price printed on it, but the milk that farmers sell do not have any price.

I would like to address the issue of farmers through my craft - my films. But, the sad part is that such films win awards but don't get any rewards at the BO.

I feel, at the national level, shooters should get monetary rewards also, along with medals and a handshake.

My father was into textile painting and ran a small business. He encouraged me a lot and loved seeing my plays.

When the camera is on, I am an actor; otherwise, I am an ordinary person.

More than anything else, I love to act and leave the rest to my director.

I don't need others to validate my good conduct.

Earlier in my career, there may have been compulsions for accepting films for money.