I grew up in the States, but I go back to Brazil quite often, and a big part of me is very Brazilian, so there's a constant struggle between the two cultures within me. They're very different approaches to life.

There are some roles that are more still and internal and emotional, and others that are more physical, which get you out of your mind for a while.

I've had some strange fan encounters, that's for sure.

You've got to bring your A-game when you're in the same household as a military guy.

With a toddler, chilling out is hard to do.

I understand people are curious, but it doesn't matter. My personal life is my personal life.

What I say is the only thing I can control.

It was humbling to see how many fans there are of 'Serenity.' It's like an underground fan base.

You learn to not take things personally and to just let it roll off of you.

I feel that my drive and ambition is more American, while the passionate, laid-back side of me is all Brazilian.

I have this internal cultural struggle where there's a side of me that is very Brazilian that misses the food and culture, and a side of me that's very American that really loves the structure and predictability here.

Coming from 'V' into 'Homeland' was a really big change and the best gift as an actor you can get - which is to transform so drastically from one genre to the next, from lizard to human being!

I'm kind of a workaholic.

I was your typical pregnant lady - pickles and watermelon.

I got a little bit used to people stopping me in the street with 'V,' at least in America. Not that I think you ever really get used to it. It will always be a shock to be recognised for anything.

In Brazil, you are very close to your family; we saw our cousins every weekend, and my grandmother lived with us.

For a long time, I had this constant feeling that I just wanted to look behind me. The hairs on my neck were standing up all the time, I didn't know where was safe.

I use Lina Hanson Global Face Serum every night. It's a blend of 100 per cent natural essential oils from all over the world, many of which are produced by women's cooperatives.

My son's baby paraphernalia always ends up in my bag.

There are many people who live with terrorism every day.

My whole family is very artistic - my uncles are all actors and theatre directors.

I'm an avid cook. Brazilian, some Italian, a little French. And I often throw dinner parties.

I've love to do more movies. Just because I'm interested in the medium very much. I've done a lot of theatre at this point, and I've done a lot of TV. I've done a few independent films, but a lot of them have not seen the light of day. It'd be really nice to be in a film that gets out there.

My mom is an actress, but she never really pushed me into it, and it was never something I thought I would be doing. She was very happy I decided to, but she certainly doesn't offer me criticism because she knows I'd tell her to shut up! Nobody wants to hear that from their mum!