We had a moment in the '40s and '50s, where female characters were very strong in film, where these incredible roles were written for women like Joan Crawford, like Bette Davis. But then there was a space of time where - I don't know why - it wasn't like that. It became difficult for women to find certain roles after a certain age.

When someone is suffering, you have to see this in the body and the face. I say all the time that actors use their bodies like objects of war.

I'm not someone who wakes up at 6 A.M. to go to the gym.

Truly, I am a woman of the last minute. When I was pregnant, I organised three different hospitals because I couldn't decide where I wanted to have my baby: London, Rome or Paris. In the end, I decided to go to Rome, arrived on the Monday and gave birth on the Saturday.

The most important thing with children is to give them your time. Actually, that's all that matters.

I like to do on screen what I'm not in life. In life, I'm much more weak and insecure, and so then you know I like to play characters that are stronger than me.

When I make an American movie it's going to come out all over the world-it doesn't happen the same way for an Italian film or a French film.

When I have to go to Cannes, that is boring to me.

Mel is a great director because he's not just a director, he's an actor, so he knows how to direct actors. I loved working with him. He's great as a director. He's so intelligent. He's generous. I really loved him.

Irreversible is not glamorous at all. I try to do different things because I want to grow as an actress and I like to take risks.

In acting process, it's very difficult to explain. It's something very intimate, very private.

In a couple, sometimes, one or both people have to give up their personal life, dreams and ambitions for the good of the family.

If you have a script that's not great, if you have a great director, you can make a great movie, but if you have a great script with a director who's not good, never are you going to have a good movie.

Do you know who I would love to play? Morticia Addams - then I could use all that darkness to be funny.

An actor works with their soul and their thought.

British people don't express when they are in pain. They don't think it's elegant.

I like comedies, I like thrillers, I like love stories. Everything is beautiful; it depends if the film is good, who cares? Everything is interesting.

I know very well the difference between my image and who I am.

I have a lot of adrenaline. I have a naturally fast system. But I love to eat, and I am not skinny.

I can't say I'm a Bond girl because I'm too mature to be a Bond girl. I say Bond lady; Bond woman. But I'm proud to be a Bond lady, because actually, Bond is the most amazing man.

To be a lawyer was too boring for me, for my personality.

There is this thing in America where actresses reach 40 and go mad. The film industry wants all these young people.

I have no idea how I'm perceived in America because I don't live the reality of America.

If you believe what you are on the red carpet, then you would have to go see a doctor, and there are so many actors like that. You have to know very well this is a moment of glamour, and when I go back home, I don't have the airbrush, and I have dark circles because I don't have the make-up on.