No actor has 100 percent track record.

I like to call myself as son of famous father and father of famous son.

All my performances have been unrehearsed.

I have never really hit a gym.

I am not a spokesperson for any political person or party.

People are fed up of formula films, and we are getting new space to experiment.

My son was named after my father, whose name was Ranbir Raj Kapoor.

When I did 'Kapoor & Sons,' I had a prosthetic look. It would take me six-and-a-half hours daily for 20, 25 days.

I always try to be different and play varied kind of characters.

I respect religious rules. I am a true God-fearing Hindu.

I firmly believe in destiny, so let's see what my luck has in store for me.

The creative mind is restless.

I am a believer of all religions. I will happily visit a temple, mosque, church. I do not differentiate between religions.

I am extremely malleable as an actor, but I also know how to get away with doing things the way I want, even if the director disagrees.

I do fun things on Twitter. I enjoy it.

I have campaigned only once in the elections, for Vinod Khanna in Gurdaspur, but that was not as a party member but because he is a colleague.

I don't think it is wrong when you - when an actor goes and sells his film. I mean, it's salesmanship; you got to tell the world what you have. You got to tell them, 'These are my wares; please see how do you like them. If you like to buy them, please buy them.' There's nothing wrong in that.

I can never say that I don't want to work anymore. That would be an absolute lie because I enjoy, I take delight in, working in films because I feel it's an honour, you know, to entertain people, to regale audiences.

I get very excited when I have to work in a film and when I am narrated.

I am an actor, and actors should be willing to play all kind of roles.

I am high-strung and high-energy. My blood pressure is always high, and I am always excited to go to work.

I have always been an arrogant man.

Trust me; I have not exactly been the best husband material.

I love to experiment, to push myself, and I want people to accept me in roles that I have never attempted before.