I'm not interested in building wealth, which is kind of naive and probably frowned on, living in America. It's something that people don't necessarily understand, but if I die poor, I die poor.

I didn't become an actor because I thought I'd make lots of money.

I come from very conservative parents, and we weren't particularly wealthy, but we were comfortable.

I think insanity is the hardest thing to play.

Light, trivial comedy does not appeal - it is not something I go to see.

I have been to the theater more since I have lived in New York than I ever really did in London working on a television show.

It is possible to work out of New York on film and television and still not lose your connection to theater.

You know, to an extent, Method acting feels occasionally lazy.

I think my fighting skills have certainly been improved by working with Peter Jackson.

Do people really think that about my nose? I spent my whole life hating it, so it's amusing that people like it!

Someone told me a woman bought a dog so she could take it to the same park where I go running, but I'm hoping that's rubbish.

I was an estate agent for three years. That was pretty grim.

When you already have a following, people are more likely to employ you.

I was in a production of 'Macbeth.'

If you're used to being a maverick, then people don't get surprised when you start acting strangely.

I speak some dwarvish.

I confess I've got a yearning to go to Los Angeles, but I can't work out if it is because a lot of British actors seem to go or because there's this perception that the bottom has fallen out of British drama, so therefore, it's the place to head for.

To survive in a profession like this, you have to have absolute discipline and commitment, and I did not quite have it for musical theater.

When I told my mom I was going to audition for 'The Hobbit,' she said, 'Well, you've always loved Tolkien.' And she was right.

I love being grungy and dirty.

I think that internal conflict works very well, because, after all, all the best drama is fuelled by conflict.

I've become one of those actors who find it difficult to say 'no' when things are offered.

You've got to have baddies that you can boo.

Adults will not necessarily laugh at the same thing as their children.