I think if I had come out of drama school and been an instant Hollywood superstar, I would be taking long, leisurely holidays.

I know what Twitter is; I don't use it. I don't use Facebook, so luckily, it does zero to my ego.

I did quite a lot of menial jobs. I was a waiter, an inventory clerk touring round properties listing cups and saucers, and a laserquest marshal.

I read everything that Tolkien wrote, and also read biographies of him. I was fascinated by his experiences in World War I, which includes the loss of life of some of his very, very close friends. I think he writes about that a lot in 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings.'

Once you don't smile on film, they say, 'Let's have that bloke who doesn't smile.'

Personally, I'm not interested in getting more money for what I do; I'm just interested in more money being put into the production.

Monet was like a conductor. He painted with quite a straight arm and used bold strokes.

You fight for certain roles, and you realise they're being filled by television and film actors, because theatre is constantly fighting for survival and they need names and faces and ticket sales.

A charity donkey is where you sponsor a donkey in a sanctuary and give them three pounds a month to have some donkey nuts or something.

It's bloody annoying being shy. I'll spend a whole evening at a party asking everyone else about themselves. I'm not being self-deprecating; it's because I'm too shy to talk about myself. So people come away from the evening actually having learnt nothing about me.

Some of the mail I've had has been weird. When I played Guy of Gisborne, a woman crocheted a mini-version of me.

I have a bit of pride, which is always my downfall.

Since real spies are so good, you never really know what actual spying is. But I do think spying is a lot more dangerous than we are led to believe.

Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.

I went into musical theatre, which I'm not really cut out for - I'm not as skilled at it as other people.

I feel like my imagination was crafted by Tolkien. He seemed to tap into that childhood intrigue of secret doors and hidden worlds.

I suppose I'm a bit mean. My face on camera doesn't lend itself to happy nice guys. I think it's just that my bone structure looks menacing.

I wouldn't want a tattoo at all. They're difficult to cover up.

Trying to please everyone can be very hard, but, like 'Shrek' or 'The Simpsons,' 'Robin Hood' manages to entertain adults and children at the same time, but in different ways.

My mum will not speak above a low whisper in public because she doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

I can't bear shopping. I can choose clothes for my characters, but not for myself. I've got no dress sense. Or I've lost it.

A full beard looks cool.

I've never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.

My work is my way of expressing myself without being arrested.