The majority of comic book villains are pure evil, but Curt Connors is an exception. Curt Connors is a good man who initially wants to save the world, but he gets hungry and greedy and reckless, and he pays the price for that.

The whole film genre is one of deceit. It is the suspension of disbelief. That's what all theater and all film is based on.

I come from a culture where the pub is the centre of the community. The pub is the Internet. It's where information is gathered, collated and addressed.

I don't sit around with other actors and talk about the pain and the magic of acting.

I play really bad punk rock guitar.

It's like a badge of honour if you're a British actor and you get the 'Harry Potter' call. It meant a lot to me.

Spider-Man is a school boy that's looking for his parents.

In a sense, I feel a lot more an outsider in Los Angeles than I did in Newfoundland.

I'm a factory-floor actor: I learn the lines, I get there on time.

It's every boy's dream to play Captain Hook.

People say: 'Oh, it's only acting,' but it's not ever just acting. At least not with me.

I've worked with Hollywood stars, but the reason most of the Hollywood stars I've worked with are Hollywood stars is that they're excellent actors, so I've been very lucky.

Every time the Tories get a bit of power, they rip off all the things I love... The mining industry. Milk.

On a conventional film, you do one take, and if it's good, they say, 'Let's do another one for insurance.'

When I was young, I was in a hurry to live. And now I'm just not in a hurry.

It is joyous for any actor to enter other grounds of consciousness and thought. At the end of the day, we just all like dressing up and playing around.

Don't be late. Learn your lines. Be good to people. Treat people nice.

For me, 'Come and See' is, by a million miles, the best film about war that has ever been made. I would highly recommend, encourage and enforce anyone to watch it.

I'm Welsh. We didn't do 'Peter Pan.' We have far more ancient legends to be put to sleep with.

Film can become stagnant as a medium.

In terms of partying and reckless abandon, I'm Don Juan. But, in terms of my heart, I'm the most loyal man you'll ever meet.

There aren't many odysseys in cinema for characters.

Being on tour is a giggle.

In Wales, singing and storytelling are party skills, not professions.